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Thomas Blinder

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Everything posted by Thomas Blinder

  1. Damn talindor. I guess you want that donation goal $250! HOLY SHIT

    1. Talindor


      I had other motives, but basically this being a RPG server that is consistent since founded on 2014, there is not another game that offers what Olympus offers on a daily basis. I love this community and what Olympus offers to our players ie the Admins are vigilant in providing consistent content to our player base. @McDili, @Muthinator, @Grandma Gary, @djwolf, @Peter Long, @ToeKnee, @Bubbaloo Burrito, @Tman15tmb, @Poseidon, @Doc, @Dezree, @Decimus, @Fedot Issac you too. If I have money lying around that I don't use or spend, I know it would go to a game, I will support Olympus.

  2. What the fuck happened to my post? Idek but I like it.
  3. yes this is what happened i will thanks
  4. In fucking confusing my self, I put the ingredients that collected in my truck, then stored it in my house.
  5. Nonnononno I put it in my truck into my house then server restarted, it fucking despawned. but its good
  6. Alright, so I went to each Meth ingredient and collected in a hemmit transport, loaded 450 of each ingredient and then the server restarted IT WAS ALL FUCKING GONE.... What do i Do? Say fuck it and do it again? Or request comp?
  7. tman gives warning too, just dont make fun of angel
  8. spent 9 mil in 3 days.... Rip

    1. Ahmed99
    2. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      @UnT0uchab1e I got a meth house 2 helis and they were insured and like 20 loadouts


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed99


      That's how you should feel and move on with your life, you can't be picking up girls from the Internet. 

    3. Thomas Blinder
    4. Maze


      THANK YOU <3

  10. I always get robo coped and it pisses me off
  11. @Ham HEYYOOOO Happy birthday my little fucker <3 have a good day!

    1. Joel


      I said it first :P.

    2. Ham


      Thanks <3

      I'm everyone's little fucker :)

    3. Thomas Blinder
  12. i have cancer my grandma died of cancer
  13. I can only give 10 likes a day! I can't give anymore! @Bubbaloo HELP
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