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Everything posted by OlympusAccount

  1. Literally only one day into the may donation and it's already 11%, holy shit. 

    1. Dangus


      You're welcome. :D

    2. RubberDuck


      19% lets go!!!!

    3. OlympusAccount


      Holy shit.

      Better start sitting at oil trader.

  2. "I don't even know what you just said"
  3. I hate that we can't edit comments anymore, it's very often that I make a retarded mistake and I can no longer correct it ;c
  4. So I was RDM'd and requested a revive, and 3 different medics drove past my body when there was literally no one there that could deny me. Are the medics are this server literally fucking special?

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. -dante-


      @OlympusAccount did you recall ever threatening a medic of any sort? Because when you're denied by the actual medic that means you were denied services from something you did. Threatening a medic, spamming ems text, etc. Assuming the medic selected the correct option. 

    3. OlympusAccount




      Idk why it wouldn't let me delete the tag of Marty.

      @Dante Fleury I know how that whole thing works, I never threatened a medic or anything, there was a medic nearby the person I tried shooting at, maybe he felt threatened or something. Never shot directly at him though

    4. -dante-


      Yeah, it can be pretty situational. Id never deny someone personally if shots were near me though. Hard to say. It being a third party denial fits the bill more for the situation. Might have easily been a misclick and the medic was threatened and told not to get you. If you ever feel like a medic is doing something bias or outside the handbook, please  either make a player report or message a Sr. member personally and we will investigate.

  5. I like how he had to clarify to everyone else that he threw a grenade, are they deaf/blind?
  6. Helmet looks badass
  7. We've never had an issue with donation goals before, and we didn't the last time we implemented a third server, so I'm not seeing how the finances is the primary problem..?
  8. Are the admins able to financially compensate for something no longer sold at the Rebel Outpost. I got arma'd earlier this morning and I lost a pilot helmet.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dangus


      Just now, Serpico said:

      Only whats available to other players already (including BW items). 

      Unless you're Gary, then you have a bobcat...

    3. Serpico


      Just now, DANGUSDEAN said:

      Unless you're Gary, then you have a bobcat...

      Pretty sure it's gone. Blown up without insurance if I'm not wrong.

    4. Dangus


      What????? Gary trolling in that with his noot noot was the greatest. RIP Bobcat, you were good memes.

  9. Please stop spamming.
  10. Wow who would've guessed, a post about weed on 4/20, how unique and unpredictable Haha
  11. You mean that Indian accent was a lie? ;c
  12. *Hands up or die engagement from 1.2 Km away
  13. I don't get why they should have to in the first place, really only slows things down. Is there any real reason why cops have to read your charges, honest question?
  15. I should probably have Discord installed by now.
  16. He must've been lagging driving past the hospital.
  17. Yeah I saw that and I was hyped, let's see how fast we reach this donation goal.
  18. Club Penguin is still up, they played us like a fiddle ;c

  19. Why did my comment change to neighbors I'm W O K E
  20. So I was attacking a gang with some friends and we engaged properly, yet every single time they died they said it was RDM. This happened at least 3 times, and the third time had me wondering something out of curiosity when it comes to engagements and player reports. Try and follow this scenario: (Sorry if unclear) I send an engagement text to [Gang]Joe, and he doesn't comply after five seconds. Say the specific member I text doesn't notify the rest of his gang that he was engaged and everyone is oblivious to the fact. Now if I shoot another guy [Gang]John later on in the engagement, to them it looks like they got shot without an engagement, and that's how it would look on the video too. That may have been what happened when I was fighting with a gang in Athira, but I don't know if that's what happened or if they're just special. Regardless, if on the video it looks as if they were shot for no reason, how would a mod handle that when reading through their ticket? Just curious, because I didn't get video of the engagement and I won't be able to put forward a ban appeal if this is what happened.
  21. I'm already not allowed to call people neighbors in side chat, don't take this away from me.
  22. The Matrix for me.
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