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Genghis Khan

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Genghis Khan last won the day on March 4 2019

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About Genghis Khan

  • Birthday 11/17/1997

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  1. Hey, I really want to join the Coast Guard. I told my mom and she said "What are you waiting for?" 

    So that really spoke to me. Like I've got to get moving. Does anyone know anything about it. I was planning on waiting until I'm 22 next year. Bc I kinda got a belly and just want to be more fit before I commit to something like that.  

    I want to be a Damage Control man. Anyone that has or know someone in it please share your opinion on it.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mighty


      I had a high interest in the USCG recently 

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Damn Bro What if we go to cape may together. lmao

    4. Vcx


      3 hours ago, Genghis Khan said:

      That my main concern is the PT test. ;-;

      I gotta get right. 

      Well idk how it is for the coast guard but for the marines being a poole is getting ready to ship out of boot and that is just PT every 2 weeks and honestly boot is there to build you up people go in skinny or not out of shape or in shape boot is there to get you built up and see if you have what it takes. Also you want to get a decent score on your ASVAB if you want to choose the job you want if you just pass the ASVAB with bottom of the line score idk what it is for the coast guard but i only needed a 32 to get infantry for the marines so ik its higher for the coast guard especially the job you want. But honestly fitness is a big part of joining the military but some people get the misconception that you need to be built when you go or before you go to boot it really isnt like that. Boot is there to build you up physically and mentally and you do at least want to be able to do decent on a PT test before you go so i'd recommend just start a routine and increase it as you go (if you're worried about the PT part you shouldnt as much though).

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