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Genghis Khan

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Everything posted by Genghis Khan

  1. I just woke up lmao. I feel fine. That shit was odd. Until next time. o7

    1. DashTonic


      Wish I recorded you throwing up and drinking it

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Lmao did i actually drink it? WTF I wish someone had videos or something, SMFH

      See u in 7days lmao Hopefully all the clips didnt get blocked

  2. can ur gf marry me lamo
  3. Sorry for who ever saw me throw upm lmao link mr if you recorfed it lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Millennium


      Yeah i wanna see this video, i clicked off it and then i come back and ur banned XD

    3. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Lmfao I hope someone rerecorded it


    4. Lukeee
  4. Idk wtf im doing .-. 


  5. I cried. <3 Isnt it funny that your best times in Tree were my worst. Imagine how much you would of loved it if we together when I first joined. Im off today you want to do something? Lmao Facts* More like memeing, But I like how you call me a snow flake and cry about being pared with Suki. Lmao and to think Im salty for getting black listed on medic is just uproarious. And you will only see me on the forums, Arma 3 is deleted. Keep it 100
  6. So unfortunately it is time for me to hang up my hat. I have legit have experienced everything possible in this game. From the rags to riches to rags and back to riches. Never got far on cop but dont care about that. Never got to become staff and that is the last thing that Intrigued me. But It is obviously Im never going to get it so o7. Please listen to one of these songs while reading this. It all started when I was 17, Back in High school. I seen some Arma 3 role play videos. I was very intrigued. Started looking up more about it. Came across some of The Great Tree videos. Ever since then I wanted to play. So I finally got a pc. Joined Olympus as William with no clue what to do. Joined Highway Cowboys. Learned how to play, made friends Life was great. But Then the leader went inactive. So I got cop, Played as Frank Castle. Got PO test my 3rd day (I was a cop before it was cool to be a cop) Failed it, One week later I was PO Frank Castle FeelsGoodMan. Then everything changed, I was playing cop with Gibbs when he was a wee little corporal. Found Tree at kavala black market Keep getting shitted on Some dude actually had a titan and free fired that shit and killed me. I believe it was Lemming. But anyway that changed me forever. I messaged one of them in game and asked if I could join. They told me to come back with out a weapon. So I did, They said to get off cop and come back to black market on civ. So I did, They actually accepted me solely because "I was willing to risk my cop rank for The Mother Tree." That was the best days in arma If you read that and arnt in or was in tree Im sorry for wasting your time. I am about to turn 21 and I've played this shit since I was 17. Its time to move on. I have made many friend and enemies. But mostly friends. Now is the time for the @s If I miss you Im sorry but I'll try to get everyone that means something to me or If i can meme on you I'm gonna meme on you. @Jaeger Mannen You were my idol and you abandon me. You let Tree demise. With that being said fuck you. I would probably still be in Tree right now if it never lost it's meaning. But I do not hate you for I am doing the same thing as you right now. (Abandoning everyone) But at least I'm giving a proper good buy. t(*-*t) @GrandpaSquid Im glad u didnt die in the accident homie. Also Ask Erin if I can move in again. @ThatNerdyGuy You exploited your stream for civ rep tbh. @Peter Long Sorry for using your name last night, But please dont let Olympus down, I didnt want Dilli to go but if he had to Im glad it went to you. Ps. Khan Squad > Long Squad, We the real niggas out here. @Piner Hmu we need to go to medieval times. You know it would be a jolly good time mate. <3 @Hylos You were probably the last good person Tree recruited, Only if Bloodmoon was there before you. @Bloodmoon Stay in the gray area, You've made a nice home there lmao. @lou25000 I dont even have to say it, Bc you know it. But Im say it any way, I love you dude. Probably the funniest dude I ever met online. You are something special. Stay lit my nig. @McDili I dont know why you love me so much. But I also love you equally as much. <3 We need to meet up if I ever go to a twitch con or some shit. Peace out. @Nicoleee Before I knew you ppl always asked if I know who you are. They would say "I feel like you guys would get along well" And by golly damn brother they were right. Thank you for always being a MemeQueen and thanks for being my best friend in these last days. <3 Also thanks for helping me get my highest bounty of 6.4mill! Ps. Id probably marry you, You are great Idk why people hate you. @Egnazio I liked u better when u were a memer. Sgt ruined you memes. Hopefully you have been saved tho. @Walsh Weep I swear to God I still think you are black lmao, Take care of Nicole. Even tho she stole your Pizza Points SMFH! @hawk When I first met you I thought you had autism because the way your voice is lmao. But u turned out okay. @Deadpool Bruh do you actually want to be room mates? And keep working out Nigga u gonna be Tan Jacked and Juicy in no time. But I will never forget when you almost became vx rapter lmao with that girl named cam in Tree. Stay humble nig o7 @Gibbs @DarwinsMisfit Before the days of Og Tree It was OG cop. Thanks for playing with me when I was a nobody. You guys will never be forgotten by me. o7 @Jordan540 Idk why But I always felt like you hated me. But I guess its because I wasn't used to being truly loved, I guess. <3 @DashToxic I had fun chatting with you after Peters live steam, You are a cool dude and I wish I got a chance to know you. @CommanderSuki @Isaac Newton Why are you guys so serious? Lmao Its fucking medic. You make that shit more hard core then Cop, And that is just Mind boggling. But dont worry I wont cause anymore headaches for you guys. Peace @Linka Thank you for writing me that letter of recommendation. If I ever win the powerball I swear to make it worth your while. @Ignis I feel like you set me up for a lot of shit just to have some one els ban me, and act like they are wrong. Lmao But I still like you. Stay safe driving in that snow dude! @Grego My Subutai <3 Keep raging my dude, Its funny. @Mako It was not even cummies it was a fucking toaster strudel. Lmao fuck you. @Mita Inverted nips? Lol jk have a good life. @draMa I am glad you like me bc you are fucking jacked, And I remember getting a sc from you saying u were going to beat a dude ass. That was scary. Stay Juicy my dude. @Hadi Mokdad I will gladly take you up on your offer about coming to see you. Stay Mongolian as fuck my brother! @Lorax Stay memey You are funny as fk, Im a big fan of your montages. @Strugglebus Words can not explain of how much regret I have for not meeting up with you. The only reason I ever liked medic is because of you. <3 We had a very rough patch But we got through it. I am so thankful for that. You made the best meme when you turned Jessie into Hitler. But Hopefully we can meet up in the future. I love you, You are a real friend. Have a good life Malena. <3 @J O E Monopoly was fucking lit. @Plumber I still think support team and a handicap shitting everywhere is a fair comparison. @Unjo "Im a deputy,How do I restrain?" Lmao Great meme Will never forget that. o7 @Moose I fucking hated you when you were a deputy. But no hard feelings. Also I heard you were at the pulse nightclub shooting? Is that true? @Ang3l I also hated you, But i dont even know why tbh. Anyway have a good one dude. @ All the memetage friends Dont Worry! I still have so many clips, I will be making them. We are currently at 20, I believe I can get to 25. Stay peeping. The main Reason I am leaving is because I need to move on with Real life. I need to not be a fatass and Join the Coast Guard. I hope everyone in life good luck. This is a very emotional for me. I love this community, Last night I was on cop doing shit trying to get permed. Legend has it that I can not be permed. But It is really time for me to focus on my future Im not a kid any more, My parents are almost 60. If they pass away Idk what I would do. Im going to better myself and try to find a girl to marry. And start a family. Who know's one day If Olympus is still around maybe me and my kids will be skirting rule together. That would be fucking dope. Please dont forget about me. <3 When in doubt Ask yourself What would Genghis Do? Good buy Olympus. </3
  7. @bdj 


    1. Temple


      mothafucka got the lisp and everything you found em boi

  8. The Rolling Stones made it, But Guns N Roses redid it and i like it way better.
  9. Please allow me to introduce myself I'm a man of wealth and taste I've been around for a long, long year Stole many a man's soul to waste And I was 'round when Jesus Christ Had his moment of doubt and pain Made damn sure that Pilate Washed his hands and sealed his fate Pleased to meet you Hope you guess my name
  10. Im scared hold me. ;-;
  11. Rip 6.4mill At least I got a lethal  tho. :( 5cafe441c496055747080369e1d9496c.png

    1. nicole
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Some retard rdmed me before I could get a lethal :(

  12. Just got cop back last night bois.

    If you want to join me on seizing Vigilante license HMU. :dejaywink: 

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I just seize peoples freedom, nothing makes me feel more alive

  13. What cats bank acc should look like. https://gyazo.com/4c4ac59d9fde4f87717bb2d12cd9c08a 

    Dont believe me? watch this. 



    Pay up Cats

    @McDili Can you take his money and give it to me plz? I mean it is my money. So... Just transfer it to my acc plz.

    not a joke btw im poor as fk. 

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      Doesnt he owe u 400 now?

    2. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Yeah but im willing to settle on the original debt. SMFH 

  14. This shit is so funny lmao 


    1. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      5:24 is another good one

  15. Ill but your money for $2.5o a mill, This offer is negotiable. and open for everyone.
  16. I fucking love honey nut cheerios


  17. Im not trying to point any fingers. but this is odd. 

    https://gyazo.com/c6f1cfd2a9f8ec0a0ad8da07ee5c66e1 :thinking-face_1f914:


    1. GregoV1


      This look unfamiliar 

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      RIP your csgo skins

  18. Thank you to the cop that one tapped me with my 3.7mill bounty. I really truly appreciate it. :Kreygasm:

    1. nicole
    2. Scribble


      Got you fam! Thanks for the $200k (low key) trade

  19. @Hadi Mokdad My birthday is coming up. That bitch has a hookah pipe in her ass crack LMFAO IM DEAD.
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