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Young Mogul

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Everything posted by Young Mogul

  1. Your telling me if I drop 900k on modifications and full coverage on a vehicle it can be claimed and ill never see it again?????? Why does full coverage not cover claimage this needs to be changed.....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DubbedSoap


      light rp server, insurance doesnt actually mean insurance

    3. Young Mogul

      Young Mogul

      I mean yeah, the probability of it getting blown vs getting claimed is much lower, just surprised to have dropped 1.7 mil on an ifrit to trade with a guy and have it gone within an hour lol

    4. Tech


      sit chop shop with pdw

  2. I havent played in who knows how long, Covid and certain life events have me speculating whether investing time in the server is worth a shot. For any real players is it anything like it used to be? As far as cartel fights, gangs, hierarchies, basically what to my knowledge was the prime of olympus way back when. Also any old players I used to play with, feel free to get in touch, checking the forums has me missing all of you.
  3. annnn we back hows olympus been?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vcx


      only remember you tbh from your profile banner from like 2 years ago 

    3. proud


      still poppin, wb bud

    4. DABESTeva
  4. lmao yeeeeeeeeeah not its not def not at its pea, we are talking actual cartel fights and enjoyable gang activities not 4 dudes driving around in trucks murdering everyone they see.
  5. #freemyniggalilbill

  6. falcon is senior APD holy fuck this server is going in the wrong direction i see it now
    1. drama


      I seen two dudes in skinny jeans and comb over haircuts square up at the mall over one of these. Hipsters really out here throwing hands for their juuls

    2. Bucko
  7. https://www.juulvapor.com/
  8. you are fucking white
  9. Oh shit
  10. Thats is the gayest thing ive seen in my universe my fellow dude
  11. Stupid ass u dont use ram to mine cryptocurrency, the only thing worth mining with is GPU's and ASIC's Yo bro fuck playin video games buy yourself some 100 dollar graphics cards that are good memory performance and mine a crypto that just came out. Can easily make a fuck ton of money if you do it right
  12. Fuck Fushigi
  13. this game is dead bro, if you want advice from me dont waste time on video games and when your not on the video games dont waste your life worrying about why your not on them. Enjoy the real world, its alot more rewarding 

  14. profile pic got me dead
  15. If you can buy a car for less than it sells, your going to sell it to make a profit off it duh lmao
  16. Don't enter values wrong and people wont have the temptation to "exploit". You gave them the temptation because a developer was unable to enter a correct value. If you fuckin saw that shit you would be hype as fuck and use it to your advantage too, dont enter values wrong and people wont have temptation to "exploit".......
  17. yeah you dont have anything in your dm's
  18. yah uh all you have to do is add defibs
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