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Everything posted by JebronLames

  1. do people still fight cartels

    1. Orgondo


      Pretty much just Tree vs. Trident while people roach us tbh

    2. Vcx


      Wut about us orgondo ;(

    3. Orgondo


      @=DRK=VACation i actually forgot im sorry bby

  2. this nigga makes it sound like hes about to save up for a wife
  3. nigga what? am I stupid or was tman actually an admin before peter wtf??
  4. how about this I'm the first to reply so buy me 2 $60 games
  5. gang life so god damn dead that @Dominick Ramos cant ruin it anymore. farewell tea drinker

  6. @Regal this nigga dead or what

    1. Regal
    2. JebronLames


      2 minutes ago, Regal said:



  7. you truly are beyond retarded. why do you think he was famous? because he was disabled, dumbass? people care about him and his death because of the things he accomplished, not because he was in a wheelchair.
  8. why do I feel like you're his retarded friend that got told to come here and make a dumbass offer for his overpriced pilot coveralls? you literally liked all of this guys posts AND said you're willing to pay 950k for pilot coveralls, and the retard replies with "ill think about it"
  9. what did this man do
  10. lmao whomst the fucc eat ass

  11. lmao haha D I C k haha

  12. you gotta be kidding me lol the shit that @Dejay wrote in his status update got removed? hmm

    1. iPopsicle


      What are you talking about?...

      There's no edit history

  13. talking shit is cool and all but have you ever realized that you're talking shit to everyone about their video game skills

  14. this is probably not the right time for this but shelbye
  15. whomst the fucc likes to rp retard
  16. he was trying to download a hack ban him
  17. @Deputy Dog man has no posts but has sergeant. Congrats :) 

  18. what fuckin weaboo music is at 3:25
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