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Vanilla Coke

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Everything posted by Vanilla Coke

  1. Some people have trouble with finding a song that fits them, feel like suggestions are for them more to realize what they actually want, over what they thought they wanted.
  2. Not sure if in the OP but this is pretty good too
  3. Well it has the problem of taking away a whole aspect of being a good shot, I get that it will be rare as fuck and all, but the scope has something that all others don't and that is zeroing. One of the things that makes most people a superior shots to others is their ability to range and quickly line up shots. In this case, with the DMS it takes one of those factors out of the equation completely, and that is the ability to line up the shots. Sure, you will still have to lead somewhat based on if the target is moving or not and if the range is something like 562m for example, you will still have to aim up a tad bit, but sniping over 1km is made much easier for someone using a scope with adjustable zeroing. It is just concerning me that this will cause an imbalance for rebel end game overall as it is such an extreme advantage. Don't get me wrong, I loveee this new Blackwater Weapons thing, even the MAR-10 is fine in my book, but the only reason I care about the scope is because of the zeroing thing, it just makes the skill/disadvantages of shooting at longer ranges with 7.62 nearly unnoticeable. That is what I'm trying to get across. By what I'm reading it is an extremely rare drop, but the thought of someone considered "high tier" getting their hands on something like that scares the shit out of me. Like... rip head dude... Rant over. TL;DR in bold.
  4. So can we just not have DMS's? It's an amazing idea in theory, but if you really think about it does that actually promote any good roleplay or gunplay at all? At least make it so you can't zero the thing over like 500m.
  5. Those mud houses as far as I know are really bullet absorbent, maybe it was just unlucky.
  6. Perhaps you missed? And to those who didn't know, the AK12 penetration got nerfed into the ground. The MK series I believe was left untouched.
  7. But you can just play BF1 and it is gooder you know?
  8. Basically, you have to wear tags to be initiated with your whole gang. If you're not wearing tags, you need to include your name in the text. Fail RP is more like breaking NLR rather than trying to kill someone behind you telling you to put your hands up. The server stability is dank. Players are pretty meh. Going to jail takes money no matter what, even if you refuse the ticket. If the Ghosthawk gives you warnings, you fucking listen and DO NOT shoot at that thing. It will fuck you up.
  9. In 'Nando we trust.
  10. ?
  11. MK18>MK1
  12. LOL Reminds of when some cops tried to land a Huron on an ATM building and all of them just poured out of the back and fell off.
  13. Well, have no idea who you are, first impression: You're fucking bad. hehe xd
  14. gtfo of here with your garbage m8 only high tier photoshopping here fam
  15. I actually just sit in Kavala in pistol bang. On the real though, my mistake. But it still doesn't change the fact it is immensely overpowered.
  16. Any heli is weak when you sit still 200m in the air with it. (You're not a very good pilot) 3.8k hours on this game and I have believed the Ghosthawk has no place in Altis life since the day I started. There is a fine line between "Underpowered", "Balanced", and "Unbalanced". The Ghosthawk is really unbalanced. It's not even like you have to place accurate shots with the thing because you have like 1500 7.62 bullets. Sorry, lemme repeat that 1500, 7.62 BULLETS. Yes, the bullets that you fucking mongols complain is so overpowered, there is 1500 of them in a minigun on the side of a HELICOPTER available to you, fucking crazy right? Not to mention is has no recoil.
  17. On the topic of medics, they're useless because people are dicks to them all the time, no one likes being bossed around, so just let them be. Again, good idea but a couple changes could put this thing in my inventory 80-100% of the time. The death after 5 minutes is really a put-off, a change to 10 minutes will make it more viable, for me at least. Just a small change like that is enough for a player like me to invest in it.
  18. I get it, but it's something you will probably never see me pick up. Only reason you'll ever see it in my inventory is if it gets buffed or one of my guys dies at rebel for some reason, other than that, no way. It's just not worth it. The whole situational thing is cool in theory, but when it comes down to whether it is worth or not, most of the situations it's used for usually never happen, making it, usually, a waste of money.
  19. Stopped after the fight by the dead civs on the ground. Kay. I get what you're trying to say though, but I hate the item in general as of now. I think it's useless for most combat/gang oriented things.
  20. I'm perm banned from it for an old ban issued by Hades. Help plz?
  21. I like it how it is now, but it is hard to get revives off because medics don't feel like going that far to a cartel. My Proposal: Keep cartels where they are now (because the spots they're in are beautiful and familiar) and introduce a revive mechanic for civ's. Will help with gang life, even though there is a lot of it already. Not to mention there is already 2 cartels that are 2.3km away from eachother, making transportation easy.
  22. I only know how to say something along the lines of "big dick in my ass" in Spanish Desk slaps for days.
  23. Vanilla Coke


    gtfo plz church bb
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