Well it has the problem of taking away a whole aspect of being a good shot, I get that it will be rare as fuck and all, but the scope has something that all others don't and that is zeroing.
One of the things that makes most people a superior shots to others is their ability to range and quickly line up shots. In this case, with the DMS it takes one of those factors out of the equation completely, and that is the ability to line up the shots. Sure, you will still have to lead somewhat based on if the target is moving or not and if the range is something like 562m for example, you will still have to aim up a tad bit, but sniping over 1km is made much easier for someone using a scope with adjustable zeroing. It is just concerning me that this will cause an imbalance for rebel end game overall as it is such an extreme advantage. Don't get me wrong, I loveee this new Blackwater Weapons thing, even the MAR-10 is fine in my book, but the only reason I care about the scope is because of the zeroing thing, it just makes the skill/disadvantages of shooting at longer ranges with 7.62 nearly unnoticeable. That is what I'm trying to get across. By what I'm reading it is an extremely rare drop, but the thought of someone considered "high tier" getting their hands on something like that scares the shit out of me. Like... rip head dude... Rant over.
TL;DR in bold.