MK1, MK18, MK14, SPAR-17, AK-12 (yes, I understand it is a smaller round), Rahim (yes, I understand it is a larger round) - Bullet penetration test on various different walls. @Harambe
I used to be pretty active on these forums, then I got moderated for putting a on a recruitment thread. Now I am scared to even apply for a gang. #FuckTman
The weapon is pretty fucking broken. It shoots soooo fast, and only takes like 6 bullets at most to down someone, that being you didn't hit them in the head at all. It's not the best, but it does the job.
The point of this thread is to have no point, which would be the point of their thread if they were to win. Nothing but children arguing back and forth about who mom likes more.
P R E T T Y S A D M 8 : /
If Complexity won, and made this thread, it would be locked in a heartbeat. MC ADMINS
In all seriousness though, good shit everyone, you have made my night. What a good fucking read.
I propose we bring in the AAF/NATO Pilot Coveralls (the white and green one's.) They have less armor than CSAT Coveralls, and less armor than CSAT Fatigues, so why not? Plus, they're pretty sexy.
Honestly, this shit caught so much traction on Asylum when they revamped Bounty Hunters. There are entire gangs you can see today that play Bounty Hunter more than they play rebel.
It was either WoW, Ratchet and Clank, or Fast and Furious: Need for Speed I can't remember.
All I remember about Need for Speed is that my brother deleted my save and I beat his ass.