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Status Replies posted by DashTonic

  1. Cant wait to go home and start making some art. 

  2. Congrats to @Tom Brady @DashToxic and @RDyer216 for winning Fallout 76 beta keys. PM me on the forums for your keys!

  3. I very much would like to be KOS. Please Vote for me!

  4. Guess were using Discord now 

  5. @DashToxic we're gonna have to make a new donation tier at this rate thanks :wub:

  6. I'm super excited to see what @Peter Long Brings to olympus as new owner 

  7. So when are we going to be able to just spawn in ghosthawks and allow it to RDM kavala?? 

  8. why tf is the server dead

  9. What else should I post ? I was thinking about a new Bank in olympus and remove pharma and add some dirty cash and gold bars maybe like 5 - 10 mil in gold bars 1 mil in dirty money maybe only need 3 - 4 cops online (they will stack because they gay) I want this to be a thing small gangs do 

  10. People get on so I can rob your run :)

  11. What else should I post ? I was thinking about a new Bank in olympus and remove pharma and add some dirty cash and gold bars maybe like 5 - 10 mil in gold bars 1 mil in dirty money maybe only need 3 - 4 cops online (they will stack because they gay) I want this to be a thing small gangs do 

  12. When you downvote @McDili once you get 3 downvotes its fine I'll just go on one of my forum alts :bender-dance:

  13. Fix the unlock feature, takes literally 2 minutes to unlock...

  14. I change my profile song at least once a week lol

  15. who is gifting me bo4

  16. who is gifting me bo4

  17. Please start training deputies on what the fuck to do on federal events.

  18. Sorry @Kyle Lake, looks like Gary just overruled Peter.


  19. Official Statement - Kyle Lake is no longer KOS. 



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