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Everything posted by DashTonic

  1. Don't worry I'll help out the medic of the month
  2. This theme love it 

    1. Mighty


      Its not the new theme. someone just broke it

  3. Goal met time to kill the OS next month

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DABESTeva


      11 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

      Considering a few of them choose to rock god mode 75% of the time it seem's like that is scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as donation goals go. MPO

      Please stop ur bitching it's annoying 

    3. -dante-


      Just know if any of you potatoes miss the first shot..im coming for that ass

    4. Tman15tmb


      I'll bitch if I want to bitch haha. Something tells me you don't understand my "don't give a shit" personality.

  4. When you bought a oil house less then a week and they move it on you :/

  5. HELL YEAH!!!! Got my mother board delivered today. Ready to f&_# some B&#@& up

  6. @TheCmdrRex where's the rope emoji
  7. If I did anything on team speak last night ignore it

    1. J O E

      J O E

      You Drunk Fuck

  8. Everyone congrats @Bdx becoming the biggest meme than @CmStorm by a long shot

  9. Like this status if you want to see these two numbs under me to be RP engage  for next month donate goal :D

  10. The only time we actually get a long
  11. Imagine if the people from the fed gets ahold of it and start shooting the cops with that
  12. Yeah it gave me a error but you still can look at it in game still
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