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Everything posted by falcon

  1. Just a thought, with the new update comes a van. Thoughts on this becoming a PO Transport van? 

  2. "because I like white power" - @Pledge
  3. That makes sense, just pretty broad. The question that was brought to me was, if hummingbird was fired upon whilst it was code 3 and no text was sent, do they or do they not have to send a text to engage the benches.. and he said according to the handbook that's how it looks. Hence why I just wanted clarification. Anyways +1 on the handbook update.
  4. Okay so this is what I wanted to hear and clears up confusion.
  5. I know this has no relevance to the APD handbook update, kinda just need a explanation. Hummingbird The Hummingbird’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message up to 1 times to land/park the vehicle, or be shot. While an APD member using a Hummingbird comes under fire by players within another Helicopter or ground unit, the Hummingbird gunners may immediately return fire without a text first. Ground units must still be sent the proper text before gunners can fire from the Hummingbird’s bench seats if APD are engaging. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns. This rule literally contradicts itself, and makes 0 sense. If one rule is different from the other can you take it out of the sub-section? Had a couple Corporals come to me asking why they still have to send a text whether civs are shooting them or not. @G.O.A.T.
  6. tbh i like this theme 

    1. Poseidon


      It's the default IPB one, you could have always switched to it by going to the bottom of the site and clicking Themes

    2. falcon


      Oo really? I actually didn't know that, thanks!

  7. Think what a deputy has access to and what their primary job is. Once you figured that out, go read it in the handbook. But, It's preferred you have a little knowledge in every piece of the handbook; for situations you may encounter.
  8. I am pretty sure if you purchase the WPL(Workers Protection License) you get either like 15% or 20% market value increase per item <- Only works for legal items. I am not entirely sure if it's up-to-date with excavating but, that's normally how it is.
  9. Couldn't have explained the situation any better.
  10. OW Code: H565-KXSC-PBV3J-NQGV-KG96 


  11. hmmmm. thinking....


    1. iPopsicle


      Noice camping a redzone 



    2. falcon


      @Ignis me and goat were baiting a car. but look at the spelling of progress in the gas station :3

  12. Debatable, but sure.
  13. It's a overall picture of the map of arma, with excessive vignette possibly with saturation turned up a lil bit... ;3
  14. Wait... wait... since when does powerlines not screw you over anymore?https://gyazo.com/816243f321ab4107b0d012bb0226d266

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      If Gary were flying I would do the same thing.

      Can we get an amount of helicopters crashed stat just for Gary? I have a feeling it would be an impressive number..

    3. Torsin


      Gotta love the panic'd jump though. classic!

    4. Fedot


      1 hour ago, Bow said:

      That passenger has so much trust in his pilot.

      he rpd falling off.... somone promote that cop

  15. From the looks of what your video is specifying either you or the server is lagging. You claimed you get 20 ping to the server, but I get really good ping as well just that you were fighting the police at a very unlucky moment when either the server went super laggy which happens, it's understandable and or your internet just started going bad which is also understandable. The APD has no such power to do what you were claiming unless they were staff, which I can tell you DeadPool is not nor is Julian. Anyways, I promise you @DeadPool1337 and @Julian would not risk their rank to catch a couple of rebels on top of a hospital, they have too much to lose.
  16. oof, went straight for that neck
  17. wait... uhhh hakws?
  18. Twitch Prime OW Code: H565-KXSC-PBV3J-NQGV-KG96

    Enjoy leeches.

  19. Uhhhh........ First 3 rebels to rob a freshly boughten APD M900?????? @Jordan540 @Wong


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DeadPool


      And I thought I was a mook XD

    3. Balake


      36 minutes ago, RogueMK said:

      Broughten? You mean brought right!? Lol

      Brought? You mean bought right!? Lol

    4. RogueMK


      Lol fuck sake autocorrect lol I knew what I ment haha

  20. In this position you are a full fledged independent member of APD. Entrusted with lethal rounds and Hummingbird patrol helicopters. At this level of APD you should be proficient at rules and role-play. Corporals are responsible for those APD members on the server with them and may be held accountable for their actions if they knowingly disregard lower ranked members not following the rules.
  21. sir yes sir
  22. 76561198258215147
  23. That moment when you have 12 games queued for install. Because you have a new computer. :FeelsBad:

    1. Quinton


      just did that last night lol

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