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Everything posted by Maniac

  1. I'm coming back bitches. I miss my MC Homies. :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LongInactiveAccount
    3. ItsGG


      [X] Exquisite woah

    4. Maniac


      That's what i've heard @RambleR

      @D a n i e l How could i forget you silly boy.

  2. Complexity? 

    1. Phizx
    2. Maniac


      Idk some one told me they were put in a dish washer. Never seen again. 

  3. you're not an lt. Your johnson is to small for him.
  4. We want stats page! Or we want DEATH!
  5. Maniac


  6. I only get frags when I have at least 100mg of caffeine in my system. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maniac


      30 minutes ago, afalcon said:

      You still have a hard time <3

      Not as much as you do getting a gf <3

    3. TroyOGG


      43 minutes ago, Maniac said:

      Not as much as you do getting a gf <3


    4. asdasd123


      ikr falcon will never get a girlfriend he is too focused on cop 

  7. btw I got paid 2m to post this lol.
  8. It was a sad day. I walked into first period and bam...
  9. I have a 3 crater in abdera
  10. What's [X]?
  11. +1
  12. +1
  13. I'm using the Razor Kraken 7.1 Chroma. It's at a good price point for it's performance. It has good quality sound. It is really good at picking up footstep and music sounds great out of them. It's built in mic isn't half bad. I use an external mic, but the mic on the headphones themselves is a good back up. Their best selling point is their stability though. Extremely sturdy headphones. They are built like a Nokia. The cord is also nice. Its a braided cable covered with cloth. They are also very comfortable. http://www.razerzone.com/store/razer-kraken-71-chroma And after I typed this up I see that you want wireless
  14. Good luck man! I hope you can achieve what strive for.
  15. Thanks a lot dili. I'm going to try out 90 and see how it works for me.
  16. If you don't why? And how do you change it?
  17. Salty for no reason...
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