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Everything posted by Vis

  1. While the servers are down, experience the "outside" dlc for only $5.99 ugandian 

  2. This is part of the whole entertainment of Arma, just enjoy it

  3. How is he to know when bohemia is going to put them back up?
  4. Well this was expected and Ryan did say it was going to happen. Lets hope it will be short like the last time it occurred.
  5. lOOOl I made these and it toke a long time fuck you, it was requested by a bunch of people in the suggestions page so its going in for a bit. Now choose the least ugly one
  6. Wat? How else are you going to flex on them fishes
  7. Supreme wetsuits coming to a server near you. A-F LEFT TO RIGHT A B C D E F A B C D E F These were suggested by someone, I do not remember or could find by who
  8. You guys seriously want this crap? v.trashb6388f001abf3edcf54321135c6ffb37.png 

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Ryan


      -1 plz no 

    3. Dab


      Fuck the bright color. Fuck the wetsuits. Just Go subtle.

  9. Buying Cows pm me

  10. whats the cheapest site to buy contact?

  11. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Namooh/
  12. @Ryan Can we have a vanilla minecraft server now plz

  13. What a cock block
  14. mordhau anyone?

    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      Uwu you too game?


  16. https://gyazo.com/4ffd089c10ebf6b26a25c0e48e29b2f4

    I am broke and the APD still lost

    1. Show previous comments  25 more
    2. Vis


      @Civak are you saying me personally broke wave rule?

    3. Bloodmoon


      1 minute ago, Vis said:

      @Civak are you saying me personally broke wave rule?

      he's talking about a different fed

    4. Civak


      6 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:

      Funny how you went from sucking dick for corporal to hating apd when you didn't get corporal.


  17. LOL, I made my money roleplaying in kavala
  18. Well apparently every other person who can pull hunters is broke. ps. tell em to give me striders and ill brings those aswell
  19. Fam u applied at 12:30 EST, everyone is sleep. I honestly don't know if we got any EU SAPD. They are usually fast at responding though
  20. FUCK sekiro. That shit is not even fun anymore at that point

    1. Strae
    2. Vis


      im about to get good, also might get arma global ban if im not careful 

  21. how civs rp:
  22. Is the Earth really a floating triangle?

    1. Zeuse


      It's a pyramid

    2. NokiaStrong


      As flat as an orange at stp 

  23. All of these are great, except if the PO lethals include anything but the SDAR.
  24. can you include this in the handbook so later it does not become a gray area for people who dont see this comment
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