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big niko

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Everything posted by big niko

  1. big niko


  2. Can I asked how the fuck get out of that seat and what you do for a living?
  3. .50 Cal
  4. o7
  5. Man I remeber playing H1 with @cLoak back in the day and now this nigga in FaZe.



    i n s p i r i n g.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ajax


      @Linka dude thats actually sick... good for him! 

    3. Cake


      lol u are a retard go get hit by a bus or something lol

    4. Ajax


      @Cake damn... you really did just reply to a 3 month old comment...

  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Autistic_Society @sin
  7. Ew
  8. Looking for a Fornite Squad or Duo. Atleast 15+ Solo wins to show you're half decent, hmu on Xbox:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      "Half Decent"


      Image result for does not compute blitzcrank

    3. loser123


      1 hour ago, obeymatt said:


      Aka nikoteen needs a carry really bad 


      hahahaha he is so right

    4. big niko

      big niko

      Obey what are you saying? I just got a 15 kill solo win yesterday eat my ass.

  9. "If you wanted to Dox Harley, heard she lived in the Pacific Ocean with all of the other Beluga Whales." - @Haze 2K18
    Savagery Level 100 lmfao
    1. Savage


      Not bigger than Biggs 

  10. big niko


    @Ludde we have known each other for a long time since Asylum I think in Mongols on S5. The things I'm gonna miss the most are the times we would shit on British Empire and how you would always be roasting someone in TS and a lot of other things that would take to long to say but anyway o7 man.
  11. big niko

    Im out

    Fuck me Buckie Ima miss you, we had our ups and downs but you will be one of the funniest niggas to be around and a notorious roast god, o7
  12. This isn't a Hardcore RP server if you looking for cops saying Miranda rights you have came to the wrong community my friend. Now leave.
  13. I'm your friend
  14. Is fighting dead or is arma dead? I haven't been on in a month.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Fighting is ass because it’s in the same god damn places...

    3. bigSMOKE


      Lol fights aren’t the same without the boys, but they’re fine, all the guys in bw and trident, etc on server 2/3 are down to fight a lot 

    4. Ryan


      5 hours ago, bigSMOKE said:

      Lol fights aren’t the same without the boys, but they’re fine, all the guys in bw and trident, etc on server 2/3 are down to fight a lot 

      Yeah we been having some nice fights past few days. Mainly with tree, but other then that we just bum rush the kids that hop on our arms dealer :x

  15. Is that you in your profile picture
  16. Hmmm Idk maybe to be able to sit about like 3k out and kill people?
  17. ATM's marked on the map for new players in new ---- passed Eh, that was my idea thanks Deadpool!
  18. America Vs North Korea
  19. Mopeds are fucking gay +1 Ludde for civ rep
  20. @LiL BiLL This gotta be the funniest shit I heard you say lmfao 


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