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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. @Genghis Khan Good luck as chief, I know you'll do well.
  2. LT @Decimus being pushed aside by an alpha sgt. Step down so this man can get your LT position.
  3. @Genghis Khan fus roh dah their ass
  4. Blackfishes being used regularly again during feds? Time to step up the titan game.
  5. Can staff change their copy + paste responses for tickets to gray instead of black so I don't have to highlight the text.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Plumber


      ^ He's got a point @Ignis.Salvation Gaming and their staff should consider this change as well. Oh wait.

    3. MrB1


      Just like @Plumber should consider suicide, as a viable option.

    4. KrispyK




      I used responses from the lightning bolt button to decline people for support team on salvation

  6. Looking to buy: MX/MXM's + shitload of mags, type 115's, spar 16's, stones
  7. Bending rules while on the fly OMEGALUL

  8. I brought this up during the civ meeting but I wanted to make a post in order to get more exposure for the topic. I believe if this change is made then cartel life will somewhat come back, as well as doing runs in general since many people would rather buy money than put the hours into farming it.
  9. Would be cool if cops still responded to hostage situations. 

    1. Kyle
    2. -dante-


      Depends on the cops I guess. Unless physically impossible, I always do. 

  10. About to titan a civ hawk and a hacker kills everyone on the server smh

  11. Are you allowed to blow a vehicle up that is parked inside the fed with an rpg? For example, there is a truck inside bomb dome which is obviously going to be used to transport the gold, can you blow it up in order to prevent them from transporting the gold since that would technically not be blowing it up for no reason?
  12. You are absolutely disgusting for being a vigi.
  13. J cole is black and post malone looks like a rat.
  14. I don't understand why there isn't a civ gray area thread similar to the apd gray area thread.
  15. Why is it text to speech and not you rapping it?
  16. in·vin·ci·ble inˈvinsəb(ə)l/ adjective too powerful to be defeated or overcome. Your point is moot considering the way you get around RDM is by initiating, whereas there is no way to harm or effect people during training without getting a ban.
  17. Not sure how you compare having to initiate on someone vs initiation on someone and getting a ban
  18. Because I don't like people being invincible due to rules.
  19. How would you even know if they are training? If I were driving past neo and saw a few deputies, Corp and a senior my first thought wouldn't be that they're training.
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