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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. @staff log em boys
  2. the guy below lost to tree in gangwars :4head:

  3. Because medics sit in kavala betting instead of reviving?
  4. #Free @Proud

    #Free @thor

    Engaging then killing is not failrp

  5. Why hasn't this been done already? lmao
  6. bLaCkWaTeR iS bRoKeN

    1. Google
    2. Ziggyuwu


      nah blackwaters dead homie

  7. Was curious about that, did you supersede the handbook because I don't recall hawk guns being fired for sometime and no one said they got a text.
  8. The reason why we didn't like the recent handbook update not going through a staff meeting is because it allowed PO lethals, which was promised by staff to only ever be used during any means necessary, and sets a pretty bad precedent.
  9. Usually when people are getting milked the whole channel is telling the person what to do, I could make a montage of deputies getting milked and the amount of times where they don't heal and go straight to dome is pretty worrying, again considering that the channel is typically telling the deputy what to do. Those that are excessively milked, I would argue, show either negligence or have very poor listening skills and should result in some disciplinary action.
  10. Obviously today you guys weren't throwing, APD actually logged on to fight us instead of just letting us win and we lost, don't you think we would lose more often if we actually got stacked more often, and if the apd actually used their equipment like today? Not to mention that ever since the server rolledback ingame numbers of APD have plummeted for some reason, which is in large part a reason of our successes, not any BW or fed changes. Now if we hopped on a test server you wouldn't have 30 hour crayon eaters, it would be sapd and maybe some subs needed, everyone there would be well practiced on feds/bw's and would be pretty evenly matched for both sides. Why don't you start enforcing disciplinary action against those who are negligent and either allow themselves to be milked, or don't follow strats?
  11. No inconvenience at all, it just helps to convey the point of the apd having poor leadership.
  12. Prove me wrong then, or you can just keep responding with memes showing how you're such a good addition to staff and sapd.
  13. No, you don't respond because your chief is telling you not to because he knows if he hops on that test server with sapd they will get wacked, showing that the apd is just fine and the only issue is that the APD is throwing and don't want to log on.
  14. But am I wrong though? Like you already know, we are more than willing to hop a test server on cop whitelists and fight sapd doing a fed/bw. Maybe show you what it's like when the APD doesn't throw. Prolly won't even respond to this because you're hardcore pushing the apd needs a buff agenda even though they push like retards, and there are hardly formidable numbers as seen by the stats.
  15. Buffing yourselves because APD throws/doesn't want to log in to fight and results in 20v10's zzz
  16. Almost seems like when the APD decides to actually log on they have a higher chance of success
  17. Yea, but just to put it out there, we have been no lifing feds/bw's all week so the seniors that care about winning have had multiple chances to fight them, pretty sure we've had the majority of sapd at our feds/bw's at one point in time.
  18. So there's cpl's and seniors that don't care about winning? Sounds like they're throwing just to get a buff
  19. Bro we have literally done feds/bw's everyday all day for the past week, don't even say that lmao.
  20. This month? Try 43 won federal events in less than a week

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      Get help bloodmoon

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