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Everything posted by Hydra

  1. I have a 9mm suppressor
  2. cya nikoteen, retard.

    1. falcon


      bye bye civ rep :D

  3. Anyone wanna buy a 9MM suppressor ?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Daevon


      hell no tf 700k max im poor only 45m

    3. Hydra


      I'd rather sell it to deadpool for 600 bud 1 mill or no deal

    4. DeadPool
  4. nah dude [X] Berg scammer fuck
  5. Why are you lying? I paid you 300k and you said pce and logged lmao
  6. Remember when you tried to sell me 3 and I gave you the money and you got off? fuck off scammer retard
  7. I actually own the garage but Egnazio posted this for me, 2.5 and you have yourself a deal.
  8. I can tell you from the picture that is a 2 crater
  9. pm me for bw gear I have tons of shit
  10. hey that is me @ 2:33 titaning you ayy lmao
  11. @Poseidon@Jesse You should post a list of all the loot you can obtain from a blackwater with the percentages of getting that loot, or just whatever loot if the percentages will be complicated.

    1. Brennan


      1 hour ago, Jesse said:

      What Dili said... I can declassify the loot items though. At this point it's pretty well known anyways. The weights/percentage chances are remaining classified though.

      then do it :)

  12. gang wars still broken, 8pm est right now :FeelsBad:

    1. Poseidon


      Should roll out in ~3 hours. Updates roll out on hard restarts if one is ready.

    2. Hydra


      ok thanks dad

  13. The mar-10 lethals sell for 3 mill each to @Monkey_Wrench or catsmeow
  14. ayyy my boy @Excision happy bday 

  15. that guy in the picture doesn't look like hes in the APD
  16. both servers down ?? :FeelsBad:

  17. Where are you going in canada?
  18. I have a dp23 4 crater and 3 crater with a garage 20m for all three [s1 obviously better server]
  19. I had my arma set to english this guy didn't understand a thing I was saying ROFL http://prntscr.com/fcg0df


    no hablos ingles

    1. -dante-


      10/10 entertainment value

    2. Hydra


      Hellcat, orca, most helis can make it just need to time it perfectly @Jesse

    3. Tman15tmb


      You guys would be screwed if this were a first person only server haha.

  20. Is it just me or has anyone been getting this wierd bug that you can't jump or press y or windowskey or see players on the map its aids as fuck

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      56 minutes ago, TheCmdrRex said:

      It always happens to me when I am in Kavala. It locks ALL Olympus features and you can't holster, jump, use any menu, etc. Maybe something to put in the tracker? I don't know how to reproduce it though. 

      its when you use a first aid kit, maybe mention it to someone who can fix but i've noticed that do it almost everytime

    3. Jmb


      it's like you're forever stuck in an action, as if you're processing/blood bagging or smth, happened to us a lot yday

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