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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. Know you for years, one of the nicest guys on server. later
  2. Can we bring back side chat while dead? Its a vital part of the game

  3. silton

    Police Vest

    still waiting on cops to respawn without gear when they die on warzone.
  4. It was very mean to not let me gear!!!! :angry:

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      The SDAR hurt a lot

    2. monster


      sounds like the average fight.

  5. Imagine limit having a dynamic IP. Third world country monkeys :D

  6. Idk who designed and allowed the changes to Kavala rebel but it is god awful. Change it back please :)

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KrispyK


      tfw its a bad design 

    3. Tobubas


      tfw fuck career cops

    4. silton


      3 hours ago, Mako said:

      tfw you get triggered over a rebel that is 90% vanilla 3iUuBGj.png

      It's awful. Bring back old

  7. No you wont. Server 1 elite scats will out do anyone in kavala anyday
  8. silton


    I believe you have been baited. Get fucked
  9. Manslaughter charge back to 20k?

  10. It only would of worked if the money carried over
  11. good point. but whens the fucking stream?
  12. @DeadPooL @hawk fuck outta here with your gay retard arguement
  13. That's what im saying Nigerian not all the time just warzone
  14. None of these address my actual post. This wasn't meant to be how you lost money or how much you lost its that while playing and engaging in combat civs will lose much more money and it it unfair and I would like to see cops actually have risk when and consequences when engaging in combat and to think twice when in situations.
  15. I've been cop Try gearing at a rebel when they are being camped @MAV 90% of the shit you said about losing money is your fault. The rest of your points are so stupid I don't even want to read them. Cats also uses multiple accounts and has a shit tonne of houses and help from tree. Also using 1 example is a shit argument as it does not reflect the rest of the civs. I can tell you right now civs lose more money at Feds if they lose. It's a game where your skill and tactics should dictate your reward not being flooded back to back by cops. Most of the pushes I have seen at fed events are clueless and only work due to the pure amount of numbers and weakening over the waves
  16. more money than the average civs
  17. That's what im saying. If it was only for warzone it would either discourage cops from coming or encourage smart play from the cops.
  18. I wasn't implying y inv to get removed only gear. isn't mxm 45k?
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