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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by silton

  1. Should also be a challenge for cops, as PO Kevin I can confirm its slamming walls, running up towers, pulling prowlers to texture bug people and wait to guns hot in the ghost hawk. I attacked a BW on cop and most APD were restrained so the higher up waited 5mins till the bomb blew. The gang managed to get away with the gear and a strider under the cops noses...
  2. Now i didn't think you could restrain cops? But if they changed it i guess so, i personally haven't seen people get guns like that. But it makes cops think about more than slamming into a wall and keep coming back until they can come guns hot in a hawk. Just my opinion tho ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. 3 to 1 and Hostage situations? not using tasers. How people have been acquiring for a long time
  4. Can confirm the gun used in this situation was a cop MXM remove the spar 16 dad
  5. I think you shouldn't get tased in the first place ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. The castle in north of dp4 is impossible to push, almost. To get to the top level you have to jump up through a little crack, someone could just camp that and you could never lose
  7. without my sexy csat 10% is alot
  8. No and the deputies shouldn't have got vermin's either
  9. ill give you 100k for it and the mags
  10. How do you get high scores? need tips, need jet plz
  11. Ill give you a high five cause thats all its worth
  12. why isnt it his point of veiw?
    1. Danger


      God damn....Death by Titan Firing squad....

  13. Ill give you 15-20k for pilot helmets but the rest are useless
  14. If you wanted something helpful go to all the other threads
  15. ooo another texture bug thread just what i wanted! plz stop we all get that shit
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