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Retired Head Civilian Council
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Status Replies posted by silton

  1. Let me get dev and spawn billions worth of Jugg into my gangs houses and change vest damage handler values to make the game only playable for my friends! 

    oh wait it’s already been done

    1. silton


      @ nicole  I also add new guns without putting it on the change log

    2. (See 103 other replies to this status update)

  2. Let me get dev and spawn billions worth of Jugg into my gangs houses and change vest damage handler values to make the game only playable for my friends! 

    oh wait it’s already been done

    1. silton


      @ Fraali  If that was me would have been 2 weeks on the sideline. WE WANT A BAN!!! WE WANT JUSTICE!!!!!

    2. (See 103 other replies to this status update)

  3. What are some rules you feel are enforced differently depending on the staff member you get? This is an attempt to identify any discrepancies. If it gets toxic ill delete the post. Do not shit on any staff member. IDC which staff member says what. I just want to know which rules you feel are not enforced the same every time. Also this prob should have been a post but I was throwing a feeler out idc 😄

    1. silton


      Most of them but mainly.


      RDM(mainly in active situations).

      VDM(have footage and support requests to show).

      Exploiting(DPI and backpacking mostly).


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)


    1) pooperson, 2) clash, 3) bloodsport, 4) sandman, 5) zeuse, 6) fefe, 7) frank, 8) darn, 9)zero, 10) dumb and dumber (dominic and claxxy), 11) benne, 12) sevro, 13) nicole, 14) caloom, 15) headtaps, 16) mason, 17) mako, 18) monster, 19) the aegis sweetheart kyle

  5. RIP tier 1 vigi meta 😞
    now I have to use one of the 200+ tasers I've collected OsS0u5I.png

    1. silton


      Yeah imagine losing your kits by getting tased!!!! god that would suck! Try being a fucking rebel then sitting 30mins behind bars. Don't get tased just like everyone else. APD such cry babies.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  6. Pesky admins banning filthy AU exploiters, if only there was some way to avoid it >.>

  7. killing the server on a friday night, nice one guys!

  8. When is invasion coming out I want come back to conquest, but I dont want to afk on a cap for 30 mins or throw just to get some enjoyment.

    1. silton


      @ Frato  Been a year since new scoreboard was approved ahaha its doomed

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  9. When is invasion coming out I want come back to conquest, but I dont want to afk on a cap for 30 mins or throw just to get some enjoyment.

  10. Petition for using tasers at federal events to be against the rules

    1. silton



      @ Dante  idk looks like you were having fun. Also blackwater big tower ❤️ 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  11. Idk how entire chapters of the APD handbook and server rules literally just disappear over the years but it has happened more than I can count and my activity isn't to blame. For example, What happened to area in the rules where it covers fail RP regarding shooting  / ramming other players to gain an advantage prior to engaging them?

    Unless I am totally blind and missed it somehow even control f'ing. Like I mentioned not the first case and I'm not sure why anything like that would be taken out of the rules.

    1. silton


      @ Panda :)  Staff are so shit and inconsistent these days. I had kids charge into my pharma with ifrits and qilins and that's not "hostile intent" then my appeal got left on read for 2 days before getting denied. It's really bad. None of the staff are consistent between each other its fucked.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. 8df3df9d0982cb377a644e9edd409405.png
    they continue to silence the truth......


  14. The Forward Observations Group, known ominously as "FOG," is a clandestine and formidable collective, shrouded in mystery and renowned for their lethal expertise. Comprising elite operatives handpicked from various specialized fields, FOG is an enigmatic force to be reckoned with.

    Operating in the shadows, FOG specializes in precision reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and strategic assessment. Their members are highly trained in covert tactics, infiltration, and advanced weaponry, making them an unparalleled force in the world of covert operations.

    With an unwavering commitment to their mission and an unwavering code of silence, FOG's objectives remain veiled from the public eye. They move silently, strike without warning, and leave no trace behind, earning them a reputation as the unseen and the untouchable.

    In a world where secrecy is their armor and precision is their weapon, the Forward Observations Group is a formidable and deadly force that leaves no room for error, casting a long, dark shadow over their adversaries.

    who’s gonna tell them?

  15. Bring back the [MC]PD/staff era. Yall get on AEGIS about influence and bias but yall don’t know the OG Olympus runners. Sr staff, eventual owner, multiple MC chiefs. Better drama too. 

    1. silton


      Moob still couldn't get away with giving cpl for a ssd.

      MCPD was fun cause there were gangs on civ now AEGIS is awful cause they're the only civ gang and most of the lethals on APD.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  16. Hot take but chicken and blue cheese slaps 🙏

  17. @ Doof sorry brother if you wanted to get unbanned from olympus should of cheated on olympus and said "cheating to quit" maybe you would be able to play but instead you decided to cheat on king of the hill and kill some milsim geezers 

  18. @ Doof sorry brother if you wanted to get unbanned from olympus should of cheated on olympus and said "cheating to quit" maybe you would be able to play but instead you decided to cheat on king of the hill and kill some milsim geezers 

  19. For the record.. I've compared and reviewed evidence... and cross checked a few things based on claims.   @ Rexo   is 100% innocent of the claims made against him.  


     The best at arma tries csgo and absolutely destroys it 


     The best at arma tries csgo and absolutely destroys it 

  22. Shoutout whoever deleted the post. I’m all about some forum drama but mfers getting way too personal and irl mad. yall gotta stop getting irl mad at a game forum lol

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