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Everything posted by obeymatt

  2. Don’t concede be a proud racist white power brother
  3. Arma is still a thing ? 

  4. 99 acura integra type R
  6. So when we doing a server wide purge in light of the corona virus? 

  7. What time zones are the conquest times posted as

    1. Skys
    2. Drippp


      Should update to your time zone 

  8. obeymatt

    Good Stuff

    Who tf is buying there y from here to save a few hundred bucks guess It’s all about that scat life for these kids
  9. server ? price ?
  10. i use it i have it bound to mouse button 5 because 4 is my push to talk
  11. tickle my testies ?

  12. Wait people still play this game? How are u shitters not bored of fighting the same cap for years and years and years  fuckin weirdos 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Woah, haven't seen you in a while. Jokes on you, I just hang around in Kav, I don't fight caps, so....

    3. Bloodmoon


      Didn't you beg to get unbanned?

  13. Who tryna remove my restrictions so I can rip my gang funds

  14. Can I apply as a dev if all I’m gonna do is dupe testing 

    1. iPopsicle


      You don't need to be a dev to test dupes

    2. obeymatt


      @iPopsicle but I want a dev tag and I wanna snoop around in dev staff meetings 

  15. This server is going down the shit hole faster than I thought 

    1. destruct


      I hope this doesn't mean you'll get perm'd again soon 🙂

    2. Skys


      Don't get repermed like me matt not worth it in the long run

  16. ya gotta make sure shes good to go if shes straight outta the factory ill pay top dolla for it, i also need service history @i chop hatchbacks
  17. 400k 500k if it’s in good shape low kms
  18. So who’s gonna remove my restrictions for a hand job 

    1. destruct
    2. maxg


      If @KGB JOSH was a SA he would do it for a sad hand job

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      If you cry I’ll do anything for a sad handjob

  19. Congrats
  20. Tbh someone at the chief because if he really spent 2 and a half hours to get into the ape chances are the kid wants to actually role play as a cop and not robo the whole time which is something the server could use Tbh someone at the chief because if he really spent 2 and a half hours to get into the ape chances are the kid wants to actually role play as a cop and not robo the whole time which is something the server could use
  21. Please send me a screen shot if your application
  22. Anyone else playing the new modern ware fare ? 

    1. Edweirdo


      Yea it's really good

    2. Vcx
    3. Slumberjack


      Been watching the streams. Looks fantastic.

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