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Dominick Ramos

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Everything posted by Dominick Ramos

  1. Congrats @Stuart on that sergeant mate

  3. free overwatch loot code


    1. callumlol


      thanks for the code dude :)

    2. lil boat

      lil boat

      5 hours ago, Callum Rae said:

      thanks for the code dude :)

      Shut up retarr


       Thanks for the code dude ;)

  4. congrats on corporal

  5. ?? this was me and what is so wrong with me picking up some fellow officers?
  6. happy birthday boyo

  7. It made it so that when your heli moves in any direction so does your camera, even when freelooking. Like if you were to nose down in the heli the camera would look down to the ground. It is pretty much unplayable for me.
  8. I probably would but I don't particularly want to. I play unmodded servers for a reason.
  9. congrats on corporal auntie bob

  10. congratulations mangood

  11. o7 Sad to see you go for such reasons.
  12. yeah thats what i mean it changed in the handbook but not the rules
  13. "3. Citizens cannot order a medic to revive a deceased player that has not requested due to game mechanic limitations." the stuff in the update post aint in the handbook any more
  14. didnt this get changed too?
  15. not sure about the bright ass yellow with the black pants or the ugly helmet the guy in red is wearing but other than that looks great.
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