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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. when you shot someone with a pdub and get 7 war points! 


  2. Free my boy Joe


  3. Able to buy hunters for a month. 

    and S e r v e r 3

  4. is PUBG worth it? :huh:

  5. HDMI or DVI for a 1080p 1ms monitor?


  7. Is it just me or has anyone been getting this wierd bug that you can't jump or press y or windowskey or see players on the map its aids as fuck

  8. Selling APD Sgt. Loadout with Mk1 tazer, helmet and beret.



  9. Selling APD Sgt. Loadout with Mk1 tazer, helmet and beret.



  10. Selling APD Sgt. Loadout with Mk1 tazer, helmet and beret.



  11. Selling APD Sgt. Loadout with Mk1 tazer, helmet and beret.



  12. Selling APD Sgt. Loadout with Mk1 tazer, helmet and beret.



  13. I don't see why people would think my amazon order history is strange... 


  14. Enjoyed the Jail(s), Blackwater(s) and Rebel Raid(s) tonight boys and girls, thanks for the entertainment, this is why I came back and knew this community is better than ever. Glad I could be apart of such fun xd xd xd :)


  15. Do you guys have issues with your room getting very hot because of you PC?

  16. congrats on corporal @Potato

  17. Good free video editing software plz? kthanksbai

  18. Good free video editing software plz? kthanksbai

  19. "It'll be back and hosted on our own server real soon."
    -March 27th

  20. Me to myself:

    I'll be unblacklisted soon

    5/4/17 - Ticket in, denied

    5/8/17 - When can I send another ticket in dammit


  21. I'm really just honestly wondering how I can be permed for more than 2 hrs for something their's no proof of me doing. :o

  22. 'gratz on corp, @Hot Pocket. Who knew food could achieve such great things in life!

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