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Everything posted by bigSMOKE

  1. I would say a big fat NO , the hex on their friends are now gone and we have blindfolds, please use them so we don't have to use some unrealistic bullshit like this
  2. everyone please calm down i hate to see so much negativity
  3. is it showing up its enabled in the sounds menu? look up sounds in the start menu and see if it's enabled or showing up or not
  4. love how you name the video fag like it made you some sort of God because you Killed an afk nsm guy
  5. ~ was good for something, fighting
  6. you're a moron for comparing your heli being hit with rape, second dont make a post bitching at the admins. Within the time you made your account to bitch and write the rest of your rant you could've made enough money for 2 helis
  7. i am superior to you for obvious reasons that i will not state on the forums
  8. you're not important enough for an OG @ skrub lord
  9. no one gives shit go play nopixel
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zYsrZQifQI&feature=youtu.be This is all the proof we need.
  11. I don't care about either just pls put black vigi vests in rebels
  12. rip my boy d johnson

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Arigato


      @lil boat nah his mom just got him on lockdown

    3. bigSMOKE


      not dead just gone bc apd and r&r got him fucked up 

    4. D. Johnson
  13. step 1 stay in kamala and wear a slash vandiler along with an assault pack and a handy rook
  14. awhhhhh shit they didn't they you keep your hunting practice rifle? all because a black fish tried to rob you and you had to fend off 25 criminals fuck cops
  15. Narcos, stranger things even tho narcos was popular for like 2 weeks lol
  16. https://gyazo.com/d34daa710bae5121491898f1648c4cc7 Comment real offers only
  17. I'll be on tomorrow I'll sell it to you then
  18. https://gyazo.com/ec54544968fc1c6745746292c26a0748 2 crater server 1 DP25 taking offers.
  19. an* absolute mong can't spell
  20. LOL not upset about it idgaf but his promoting his YT channel on the forums and in his first video i watch he is yelling at fresh spawns calling them the N word it's funny because he thinks he makes good enough videos to earn a sub for that
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