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Status Replies posted by bigSMOKE

  1. Got an issue with my computer that has popped up the past couple days - I have normal frames then it drops to below 30 and stutters really bad to an unplayable level. Normally these frame drops wouldn't do this but lately it makes the game unplayable. Anybody know what's up? Hoping it's not my gpu going. // this happens on every game // i7-4790k GTX 970 and a SSD

  2. Welcome @Dislike posts to the community 

  3. idfk if i can play civ if u allow vigi's in fucking warzone

  4. idfk if i can play civ if u allow vigi's in fucking warzone

  5. When you really want an unban


  6. @G.O.A.T. am I still blacklisted 

  7. @G.O.A.T. am I still blacklisted 

  8. https://gyazo.com/95449cbf3e1381a5e8dfb3b1777802d4

    Welcome to Olympus Rejects where even the captcha to sign up doesn't work.

  9. Console gaming being my primary source of gaming is actually maddening. 

  10. @DeadPool unarmed civ ghosthawk 

  11. Make unarmed civ ghosthawk a donation goal and i bet you that it would be hit within 24 hrs.

  12. Make unarmed civ ghosthawk a donation goal and i bet you that it would be hit within 24 hrs.

  13. @DeadPool unarmed civ ghosthawk 

  14. RIP 2 mil bounty, it was good while it lasted.  

  15. Tech help - 

    So, last night my computer was fine. Booted it down before I got off. Today I go to turn it on and everything (fans, cu, lights) turns on for a split second and then turns back off. Things like my keyboard remain on. Then pressing it does nothing unless I replug the power. I have tried re seating the ram, checking for anything between the MB and case, plugging it into a different outlet, and making sure the cpu fan was plugged accordingly. Any suggestions?

  16. eta on @Haze losing his virginity? 

  17. eta on @Haze losing his virginity? 

  18. When Jesse Ruins Your Immersion


  19. RIP Walgreens streams. I have been fired lmfao. Don’t worry boys I got plans for something better. 

  20. Thought a wireless charger was completely wireless, but I have to plug it in... Doesn't sound to wireless to me. False Advertisement.

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