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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. Arigato


  2. If only this guy wouldve just came to talk to me, he could have avoided getting DICKED down by @Grandma Gary
  3. #FreeMyBoyMAV #DicksOutForMAV
  4. I play stuff I like, I don’t like it anymore
  5. In my experience since getting corporal everytime I get on I make 1-3 million. Make of that what you will
  6. What have you read
  7. KB literally just said you're not his friend yikes
  8. Hold up while I redact my reduction for this slander
  9. Smart man
  10. o7 not really sure why we butt heads, but I came to think of you as a real piece of shit due to it, i know you’re a good guy at heart though so no hard feelings. Despite that no one can deny what you accomplished and did for the apd. Hope everything works out for you bud.
  11. Happy Birthday Knight of Ni @Midnight


  13. Old fart @RogueMK

    1. RogueMK


      Fuck you, but dumb gay



      Buy thanks lol

  14. Happy birthday gayboy @Hurricane

  15. @gomby ayyyyyyyyyyyyyye da boy gombelson, my favorite sgt now

  16. o7 man, one of the best and most genuine people on the server
  17. Welcome to the team @codeyeti excited to see what you bring to the table!

  18. **Friendly Banter @MrBoonie

    1. MrB1


      mediocre at best but +1 for your valiant efforts

  19. ^
  20. About time my son @Hurricane

    1. Hurricane


      Thank You daddy :wub:

  21. https://gyazo.com/a7f9863979184e1c8577022f3977d99a
  22. Arigato

    My time

    o7 dangusmeme, you will be missed
  23. happy birthday old man @Gafski

    1. Gafski


      You lucky youre a mod or id RDM your ass :P x <3

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