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Everything posted by Arigato

  1. Arigato


    that's too bad, sorry to hear that
  2. nice
  3. + fucking 1
  4. Arigato


  5. I took the most cringe worthy stereotypes and melded them together for these keyboard warriors
  6. you all have large e-peens, you're all the best players/gangs ever, now stfu and go back to eating your doritos while watching Lirik stream and browsing through Dan Bilzerian's instagram
  7. Vigi is for shit tier scats to come on and make shit tier cash while not having to leave Kavala /thread
  8. That's irrelevant, I was correcting him.
  9. People don't want immigration stopped, they want illegal immigration to be stopped.
  10. +1 for Age of Empires 2
  11. Singleplayer - Command and Conquer Red Alert Multiplayer - Asheron's Call
  12. Hyper x cloud 2 yes
  13. Can confirm, encountered him twice and never died. 10/10 would get scared shitless again
  14. You took that in stride too, props for no rage.
  15. baby faced freshman
  16. Sting is really not that hard to use
  17. You guys were so annoying when you were on top of the hospital lmao
  18. *Insert flashy picture of RGB lit case* i7-4790k GTX 970
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