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Everything posted by Tacosmell

  1. Jake we are starting a movement 

    1. jke


      ayyy lets get it started

    2. JayJay


      yesssir lets do it 


  2. Seems dope. I nor nobody in this community are taking anything away from non arma devs lol They are just frustrated with update/implementation times in which i stated in one of my responses on this post.
  3. Congrats on sr. admin @Ryan

  4. dog its a sheet
  5. @gaz Literally the only reason I came back to this community. I had absolutely no intentions in coming back but you pushed me into doing it. Going to miss talking for hours and going through every single PO's times when we were grinding for cpl. Going to be tough grinding and doing this thing without you , but I know you couldn't stand these past few months of Olympus. Thanks for everything and keeping me sane at times when I wanted to say some very very stupid things. You are the GOAT for that and are basically the only reason I am not permed lets be honest. Hopefully I can do this shit in your honor and hold it down for you. Thanks for literally making Senior Support team happen for me. Maybe one day you'll see a different tag in front of my name. Until then, o7 homie.
  6. Be on the look out for information on the CSGO league. It is time boys.

  7. +1 to this. There is just some again "very odd" things happening with not only me but others in relation to development. I could explain this all to you and it would make much much more sense, but I will not get into detail with this on forums that is for sure. But yes, everything you have said here makes total sense and i agree with.
  8. Facts. I and community are blessed to have you and @Phunky to do things that may not be arma related. Nobody is taking that away from you. What the community is saying is, there is 2 devs that are on the development team for SQF or in-game deving. It is evident that rex's workload is a lot, I and others have been in numerous channels or even seen on forums where the problem with updates were "there is so much on the dev teams table". Wouldn't it make sense to add to that dev team that is primarily focused on SQF rather than put the 2 devs through hell. I mean i am going to reference @ikiled here and say that this is just a game and should not interfere with IRL things but this "workload" is either going to heavily effect IRL things for devs or postpone what needs to be done. So it would make a lot of sense to add members of the community who are very proficient in the language and SQF environment to the team to contribute to this workload that is overloading this trello that I hear about. This is in no way shape or form a dis at anyone, but there are several people in this community that are very capable of contributing to the development team and are just not given chances for very odd reasons. It doesn't make much since to deny someone from dev then turn around ask them to help you with SQF. I am sure most of you may know that Asylum was given a full re-work of its mission file and it is very clear that this mission file will give Olympus a run for its money. I think it is a perfect time to get as much help as you can in SQF and any other areas of the playing field to combat the competition that is yet to come. Hopefully this clears up some of the communities concerns with relations to the development position.
  9. Just going to put this out there. Blizzix and Phunky do web/discord. Not in game.
  10. When the server pop can support the 24/7 server open
  11. Snakes are in the grass right now boys

    1. Zurph


      had to change what i said was kinda racist, gfgffgf

    2. Tacosmell
    3. SecTranLive


      Get these mf snakes off my mf grass

  12. Get banned twice for it
    1. Montez


      alright Taco, which of the quadruplets is your favorite?

    2. Tacosmell
  13. "Taco i'm talking like you're BARELY a senior" - Gaz 2k19

    1. NokiaStrong


      what does this mean

    2. CocoisDead


      just laugh and say yea he will go away

  14. Really just out here tbh 

    1. Montez


      i can see the headlines now: Staff hate him! Learn how he ddosed people, and got senior support!

    2. Tacosmell


      we made it tbh 

    3. thor


      2 hours ago, tacosmell said:

      we made it tbh 

      wouldn't quite call senior support making it

  15. Congrats homie @Luke Duke big butter bar 

  16. Thank you to everyone who has congratulated me so far. You guys are dope :100:

  17. Gratz @sped :100:

    1. sped


      grats to you too gbs on campus are coming closer and closer

  18. I'm just out here tbh

  19. o7
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