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Everything posted by Jaster

  1. @DeadPooL Are you streaming the event?

  2. Same thing happened to me, it was the gpu it somehow was not letting the computer boot so I had to buy another one.
  3. @Zurph @DawnRally the troops!
  4. Obviously but I 90% of the time am wearing a wetsuit, lvl 3, and mk1 and when i kill anyone csats or not I never get more than 1-2 per kill. It needs to be changed. It was ridiculous before where you sometimes got 5-6 per kill randomly but there for sure needs to be a buff to them to make progression better for cartel fighters. The best way to get warpoints now is to bait cops into warzone to kill them, not by fighting gangs.
  5. On the topic of war points. The war point system atm is completely broken from what it was. If I have a mk1 loadout without csats I get 1-2 points per kill but when I die I lose 2-3???????? Also if I have a type which used to be infamous for being a gun to get warpoints with you get 2-3 per kill and lose 2 per death. These ratios make no sense. A cartel fighter's main way to see progression is through warpoints and currently the ratios make it so annoyingly slow to gain a lot of them.
  6. Plague has been strong as fuck and with Apache it will be even better.
  7. that might be true, idk I just know that when @Connor McGregor played he didnt seem to have a problem with getting people on to fight
  8. wait im confused, are you suggesting im apache ban evading?
  9. Id like to be the first to use this program by referring @ApacheWarrior !!! He has suffered long enough and should get to play again. I expect my 1 mill in my bank by tomorrow.
  10. Thank you.
  11. The only gangs at the moment that I see that are constantly fighting are Plague, ML, and CZ. I hardly see TI on except for a couple of players here and there because of connor's ban, Enemy is going back to asylum because of the changes made there, idk I just hope that something is done soon to promote more cartel life. I know that its not all Olympus is but it sucks as a cartel player to see only a few gangs fighting.
  12. I think removing quillins and prowlers was great for fights but atm there are just less cartel fighters/gangs on the server. The last time I remembered constant fights was last year when Prime, TI, CR, CL, Plague, ETC were all fighting. It felt like there were fights on all three servers. The solution is probably to do an unban wave but its honestly a tough situation to deal with because you dont want the same people coming back and causing problems.
  13. Can we start a petition to limit his post count to 1 a day.
  14. Oh so you are new here
  15. Thank you for doing this king. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198050078887/#sort=order
  16. When someone talks shit about your armed planes @Viper


  17. Its been 12 days since your last montage, can we get an ETA?

    1. Elements


      i dont play enough

  18. To get accepted to transfer into my dream college.
  19. Jaster


    o7 it was a ton of fun fighting you
  20. The Long squad better not be getting special perks in game
  21. Are there any major goals you have in mind?
  22. 46
  23. Why when I upload a youtube video it looks good in the video file but when i upload it looks pixelated when there is any movement in the video.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. RogueMK


      i use sony vegas, and my bitrate render is 240,000,000 and resolution in 3840 x 2160, if you able to change the bitrate in your render settings put it high as mine if premiere pro allows it that high if not just get as close to as possible. It will take triple the time to render but for the quality its worth
      below is the quality of my side chat


    3. codeYeTi


      The quality could also be getting downgraded on the down stream if it's detecting that your internet isn't really handling that good of quality. I've had that happen sometimes when I upload high quality VODs to some less-than-perfect streaming sites.

      That said, I wouldn't exactly expect that kind of thing from YouTube.

    4. Jaster


      @RogueMK @codeYeTi this is as high as it will let me go with bitrate. 4k resolution upload and it was still giving me really pixelly shit when there was movement. going to try doing the bitrate at 300 mbps and see if that works



      Ok so guys I think I may have figured it out. The bitrate i set shadowplay to record at was really low for some reason and I think youtube s compression just made it worse. I dont think there is much I can do about it now but I increased the bitrate on shadowplay and it should be fine for new clips.

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