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Everything posted by Jaster

  1. Don't let anyone tell you internet friends are not real friends. One day you're both pushing vendor and the next you're doing horse tranquilizer together at a music festival.

  2. can I say something @ Parker R


  3. If I win I will put it all on red
  4. Got a photo with one of my favorite professional Arma 3 players @ Parker R  thank you for always making time for fans 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaster


      @ buckie  this is Best Buy Jaster

    3. buckie


      It’s really you YOU DISAPPEARED 

    4. Jaster


      @ buckie  I was arma sober for almost a year then @ WALT  triggered a relapse

  5. Yay
  6. @ DABESTeva  Rest In Peace buddy I’ll miss you dropping on me


  7. This is devastating. Dabest was one of my favorite people to play with and always could get me to laugh about the dumbest things. Many of my fondest memories on this server included him. What sucks about sudden, tragic deaths like this is you don’t have the chance to say goodbye. I went through a bunch of old clips and here is one of my favorites of Dabest. I don’t have an editing software but skip to about halfway. @ DABESTeva Goodbye buddy Plague forever
  8. o7 i liked your videos
  9. Happy Birthday! Please stop calling my family.

  10. Happy Pride Month! So proud of you for being confident in who you are!

    1. Zurph



    2. Jaster


      @ Zurph  log on kids are on cap

  11. hello anyone home?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horizon


      Still never seen 2 pretty best friends...

    3. Drippp


      Im always the pretty best friend smfh


    4. Jaster
  12. I have been trying to find you on tinder for 2 years now with no results please stop avoiding me.

  13. Jaster

    Help Pls

    I keep wanting to come back for a bit to play with the boys but idk shit doesn't feel the same.
  14. Jaster

    Help Pls

    u still play this game?
  15. Jaster


    O7 @ Noahhh! we never talked or played but your videos and content on the forums are amazing gl with whatever you do
  16. My first react in like 2 months
  17. Whole Lotta Red tonight :pogchamp:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jaster


      people who use the word "mid" think nba youngboy is a good rapper

    3. Drippp
    4. Lime
  18. 2016 election was crazy. I remember Trump being such a funny and entertaining candidate compared to the others, the way he would speak and talk during debates was so outlandish it was hard not to be interested in what he had to say. If you look back at some of those debates its such good content.
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