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Buffalo Bill

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bill

  1. If anyone has the app"Airtime", join the room "Mango." You got me, fuzzy, mory, and brennen chillen.

  2. Peace my dude. Its been fun.
  3. ??????
  4. I don’t know when it comes to values but there is a reason the mk1 is used by the majority of rebels. Low recoil makes this gun a lazer at cqc along with its great long range potential.
  5. Wasn't this already a post? Pathetic.
  6. Depending on your budget, I’d get an i7-7700k since it is only about 100 bucks more and everything would still be compatable. Arma 3 is cpu based. Everything else looks good and should run arma pretty well. Even if you don’t get a 7700k, the build you have now should run arma well.
  7. Where'smydad?
  8. Professional Cunt
  9. Taking skins of any game seriously makes me cringe, profit or no profit.
  10. That was happening with H1Z1 KOTK. I had to wait until the next update came out then it worked perfectly.
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