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Everything posted by Xeltini

  1. I got winded playing golf today and you're out here scheduling the fight for the end of summer. I gotta put down the sonic and get training smh
  2. Definetly fake drunk or fake tired dont trust a word this man says. @Ryan got a six pack tho ripped as hell am I right @Viper. Would personally bang if I was gay no homo
  3. Go check out her twitch 



  4. @Viper no your even hotter. Lets go slay at the bars now that finals are over


    1. Viper


      oh stop it you look even better!!! GIRL YOU'RE FIRE!

    2. SPBojo


      The armpit hair gave me a boner ngl.

    3. Strikke


      5 hours ago, Bojo said:

      The armpit hair gave me a boner ngl.


  5. I feel like it was just yesterday seeing your first masterpieces brings tears to my eyes how far you have come. Congrats @Ron

  6. o7 funs times in BW dude
  7. Honestly, this change is not that bad. However I would like to see specification about what "heavily outnumbered" means and how leadership will determine these numbers. I also think this should go both ways. If cops "heavily outnumber" civilians then you should not be able to pull hawks etc or some rule/change that balances it in return.
  8. o7 we still gotta go snowboarding next year
  9. This is what I like to see @ikiled take notes
  10. then why don't they just drop it if its 99% done Yea, thats right not hard to write 2 fucking lines of code.
  11. Excuses excuses is all I ever hear from staff. How hard is it to deal with one hacker. We PAID OUR MONEY for something and it is not getting delivered. Its simple business people, you pay for something somewhere you should receive a product in this case an update.
  12. Imagine not providing what you put on the donation goal and blaming it one little hacker.
  13. I mean this is great and all but we still dont have the past months donation rewards. ETA on bank
  14. To not be xeltini or viper. Its actually quite encouraged by senior apd however, due to having to balance factions me and viper are being forced to not run them as civilians could not operate while our speed traps were in place.
  15. When you sit on the msr somewhere waiting for speeders while playing brawl stars on your phone to serve and protect the Altos community.
  16. Requesting a chain of command name change to Loser PO 1
  17. Looks like we can still do speed traps @Viper
  18. Hi I'm the apd where you cant play with your friends and get promoted.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy



      I don't even remember speaking with you about what you can do better. I'm pissed at the situation because both you and Viper could be where you want to be. You both know your rules and lead channels when you want to. In a case like this, your "mistakes" outshine the good work you've done. Don't take what I said to you in the interrogation as me not liking you, I was just disappointed because you know better.

    3. Xeltini


      2 hours ago, ThatNerdyGuy said:


      I don't even remember speaking with you about what you can do better. I'm pissed at the situation because both you and Viper could be where you want to be. You both know your rules and lead channels when you want to. In a case like this, your "mistakes" outshine the good work you've done. Don't take what I said to you in the interrogation as me not liking you, I was just disappointed because you know better.

      I mistyped when I said you specifically I meant when I talk to SAPD. And I dont think this one super small mistake outshines all the good because this mistake was 10% of my time this week. The other 4 hours I spent playing was with random cops patrolling without viper at all. I hope you guys notice that aswell and not just the 10% of the time this week I decided to chill with the boy.

    4. Xeltini


      And nerdy since you you say I can lead and I know the rules and I could be where I want to be then I would like your opinion thinking prior to this situation what was holding me back from corporal?

  19. Would anyone be interested in me doing a cooking stream? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. vedalkenn
    3. Woo


      if it aint nolivers i aint watchin

    4. Noliver


      Yeah, dont try to be me, you will never be!

  20. @Ron for a second there I thought you beat me to corp. Well done congrats dude. 

  21. How its gonna go https://gyazo.com/e29216b5d853454bfbb9d0b4487050be
  22. Better get training, and I do believe @Able was talking some shit wanting to fight @DeadPool
  23. Go check out the updated fight shorts for the Viper vs Xeltini boxing match. 


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