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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan


    How you gonna expose me like that
  2. Nah ill leave the dick sucking to you, heard you do that pretty well with people over the internet Now....
  3. LOL Not gonna even waste my time with you again, you said you were leaving so do us all a favor and do exactly that.
  4. About damn time shitter l8r kid!

  5. Nobody is anyone's pocket admin... there may be memes going around but doesnt mean its actually true. Quit your complaining.
  6. EDIT: As of now the rollback has occurred and you should submit a comp request for anything lost between last night at 7PM EST and today at 2 PM EST This post is pretty much intended on updating everyone on whats currently going on and what we are doing on our end to try and fix it. So as most of you know yesterday was a shit show. Pretty much our front end database (most of you know it as Life Control) was breached by a couple of hackers. With Life Control being our main source for everything (Whitelists, Money Compensation, Warpoints, etc) they were obviously able to do a lot of temporary damage in game, making everyone a Senior Admin whitelist, Chief of Police and R&R Directors. This obviously caused a bunch of people to go ape shit once again and abuse the power they temporarily received, so as you can imagine a rollback will be in place. Now to fix the situation we had to disable Life Control until our devs patch up the exploit they used to breach it, which means that we will not be able to do comp requests until its back up and running. You are still able to submit comp requests, but they will just take a bit longer for response time. As always, if there are any questions feel free to message a staff member, otherwise for any hacked cash or items please follow @MAV's guide which can be found here: Our devs are doing everything they can, while trying to balance out their college finals at the same time. Please be patient and bare with us as we get through this shitty finals week! Im gonna leave this thread unlocked in case there's any productive questions. Thanks. Also the APD is bad get gud at federal events l0l
  7. That is what we are currently doing.
  8. omg guys the server was hacked!!! Let’s all spam @ the staff! @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff @staff 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zeuse
    3. Bloodmoon


      Hey @Ryan just letting you know that the server got hacked just in case you didn't know.

    4. Skys


      @Ryan just wanted to say the hackers have admin menu and they are big meanies

  9. We have adapted to these changes smiley face

    1. DeadPool


      I havent even pulled mine

  10. Do you believe in magic? 

    1. Rossco


      In a young girl's heart .....

  11. Not everyone is a designer god that gets payouts!
  12. Can confirm I have blown up every damn hunter to pieces Thanks @Vis for allowing me to waste my warpoints somehow!
  13. sAPD: *breathes* Civs: Civs: *Map change* sAPD: Me:
  14. Which one is @TheCmdrRex again?
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