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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Only a few hours left till the giveaway ends! 


    1. NexIV


      Post the winner in a status update fam, phones broke and im on a school comp, cant go on twitter :P 

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Lets hope joey doesnt win again

  2. I always dread commenting on the o7 posts for one of my boys, but that doesn’t mean they are gone forever. If you ever need anything you know where to find me I’ll miss ya buddy, enjoy life as much as you can and have fun with your child! o7
  3. Hadi’s clan slaughtered my family
  4. How can I take Hadi’s little brother? That would be weird.
  5. We don’t negotiate with terrorists! Shut up retard
  6. #RexForSeniorDev2k19

  7. Boy if you ready to take the gloves off ill be here to clap A N Y D A Y
  8. We are aware of the issues we are currently facing. The devs will be working and pushing a fix ASAP! We thank you guys for your patience. As for comps, we have gone through most of them, but still have a long ways to go, and are working hard to get you guys everything that you lost! Be patient and we will do this as fast as we can! Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Richard


      @Nex is the name because it was supposed to be there.  Like when you stay up late doing ur homework and leave it at home.  Ur homework is done, but it’s not with you in class.  

    3. NexIV


      I see. Well as long as its added by the end of tomorow if you know what im saying *cough* medic time.

    4. Daddy Fenwick
  9. I +1 this #RexForSrDev @TheCmdrRex
  10. It has been said multiple times we don’t have an exact time or date. Asking us constantly won’t change our answer.
  11. If the money they bet with isn’t legit you won’t get it back
  12. Hi guys welcome to my Facebook status update. Lol the weather is just amazing!!!! #LovingLife






    fuck Facebook 

    1. DeadPool


      So your the new Dante with facebook I mean status updates

    2. destruct


      You're actually REALLY GAY OK GUY

    3. Ryan


      10 minutes ago, destruct said:

      You're actually REALLY GAY OK GUY


  13. I solved it Boys.

    If hacker == on server

    then /ban + rollback

    else /don’t ban

    @Fusah @ikiled thank me later ;) 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. proud


      Good work detective ryan

    3. Ryan


      @Proud I didn’t ask for your opinion kid stop using your phone in Marresca’s class k thx 

    4. proud


      @Ryan stop sending me pics when I walk in the hall ways of myself and calling ur car ur baby k thx

  14. Guys I have an idea... let’s rollback the servers! Vote YES OR NO





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. Ryan


      4 minutes ago, zoomzooooooom said:

      how bout u ban the fucking hackers

      Ok great idea zoom! 



      You’re banned. :wub:

    4. zoomzooooooom
  15. I swear to fuck if I see one more post about this ima start popping off on the forums
  16. Eggmans too nice... If you are seriously gonna tell me you haven’t seen the forums today then your a retard. Don’t come here and try to stir more shit up. Thx.
  17. Prior to destructs post we made status updates. I know for a fact @MAV was one of those people that made the post. We also spammed side chat as money was being hacked in not to use it or you will receive a perm. We took every step prior to destructs post. The only reason destruct made the post is so we don’t have to repeat ourselves every day. Any legit money such as cartels should be comped if comp request is submitted.
  18. Oh no... our code was leaked... WHOS THE RAT
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