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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. Would like to officially announce that the Status Update plugin was FINALLY updated and should now be working on dark theme again. Thank you forum addicts for the somewhat patience ^_^

  2. Would like to officially announce that the Status Update plugin was FINALLY updated and should now be working on dark theme again. Thank you forum addicts for the somewhat patience ^_^

  3. Change log for this update so big that it doesnt even fit in one screenshot fully zoomed out 🤐



  4. Who disabled profile songs, shit forums

  5. @Tech wants to fuck a tranny

  6. Man it’s funny how if there was a problem with the donations it would be fixed instantly but the status updates.. those take a month. Classic Gods chosen people activity 

  7. are we still shitting on @Ryan for the broken status updates or are we done with that

  8. For those that don't know the eye rape Dispersion theme can broswe past page one of status updates.

    Keep on @ing@Ryan until he fixes the superior Dark Theme /o/

  9. *Winters makes post about good rp for cops*

    *I stroll into HQ with a 100k bounty and MK1, RP well, ask to pay ticket to keep weapon, and wave my rights so the cops dont have to sit there waiting while kav hq is being rook banged*

    *Insta seize, charge stack, and jail* 

  10. I'm using light mode now. My eyes are in pain.

  11. So with summer coming up is there any plans to keep s2 open 24/7

  12. @Ryan Shut down s2 everyone would rather have 1 full server then 2 half full servers.


  14. Who plays Cold War? Need some grinders to play with. Also hi

  15. @Ryan Unban me love x

  16. Happy Birthday lad 🙂 


  18. hi @destruct and hi @Headless do you guys play tarkov

  19. Who here is going hard into $GME or $BB?

  20. Firstly I'd like to say sorry for the players affected throughout the Blitz. There was an existing bug that didn't accurately account for players within the zone and instead had a check for players within 50 meters of the flag marker. This has been a bug for the current Blitz & the last TWO Gang Wars. Second, when SFA's leader, @nomadox asked about the rules regarding Blitz & how to win he was given incorrect information that resulted in SFA pushing instead of holding positions which would have resulted in a win. We believe crediting SFA with a round win was the correct decision which was mirrored in the last round of Blitz when SFA attacked on TP's Defense and held Window trying to run out the timer with superior numbers instead of pushing to kill the last Defenders. I understand that this is upsetting however there will be a future Gang Wars/Blitz with less bugs, less cheaters & less interference from staff as we try to streamline the process by simplifying things for all parties. I'm sorry about the outrage regarding this decision however I feel it was the correct one given the circumstances, I hope that during our next Competitive Event these issues will not arise. 
    Live and let learn, and thank you for your participation in the event.

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