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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Clearly your knowledge of business is existent just not in the right places so let me reiterate this for ya. Olympus isn’t a business. It’s called “donations” for the sole purpose of it being a donation. The rewards in return are incentives. They aren’t something you are purchasing. Although it may seem like it since people donate to receive a certain donation tier, donating isn’t the equivalent to a “shop”. Investing means you are putting in money in hopes of making a profit. That’s like saying if you were to donate to charity you are investing and expect a return. Makes no sense, so your argument here is false. If we’re such a joke, why you still here? Oh yeah because you got nowhere else to go in which you would consider better then here. So you receive hacked money, what do you do? A.) Communicate with the staff to resolve the situation faster B.) Spend a fuck load of it and start investing/transferring said hacked money so that you can keep it in hopes that staff won’t see C.) Just go full ape shit and get yourself permed for using hacked cash, then complain about it on the forums when you are punished. The logical answer would be A. Take a guess at what 75% of the community did? Either B or C. We would of never had to roll the servers back if people cooperated and did the smart thing. So again, yes, we are blaming the community for the rollback. ^ this I already said this but clearly nobody likes to listen
  2. We will be pushing an update to prevent them from spawning in money at the same time we rollback.
  3. Eggman I remember our code back from training @ikiled showed us! Lets just change the variables from the uh... original we had... If hacker == On server Then /ban hacker else /dont ban hacker
  4. Its a virtual community on a video game l0l I dont prioritize it enough to get triggered. You on the other hand, who seems to have "such a busy schedule", seem to keep running back here.
  5. Yet again your lack of logic is baffling. Who was stupid enough to hire you as the voice of reason for anything. TAKE OWNERSHIP OF THE ROLLBACK. The issue I have is that your stance is that the rollback is happening because people laundered the money. How did that happen? How did it take so long to ban a teenager? Why did you not INSTANTLY roll back after he was banned? OLYMPUS left the $$ in the economy for a long enough amount of time, and the servers stayed up, for anyone to take advantage of it. Again, that comes back to OLYMPUS’ lack of action that caused issues. How about instead of expecting a comminity to follow SOP’s in a situation like this, which is a completely utopian idea that WILL NOT EVER WORK, update your own SOP’s for a situation like this to yield CONTROLLABLE results. You are not in control of people trying to launder the $$, but you are in control of allowing them the opprotunity. This is all happening because of Olympus and a hacker, not any part of the community. Your logic here makes ZERO sense. This is like saying we cant control the people that RDM, or break any server rules. We sent out a warning, and told people what would happen if they dont listen. Some kids are dense and decided that we cant track or see anything so they went full ape on the server. Not our fault, and clearly not our problem. Those kids are banned, servers are now getting rolled back and thats the end of that. If you dont like it then I heard Asylum is looking for more retards. Are you fucking braindead? You think we sit there and give hackers ways to get on our servers and start hacking in billions of dollars and warpoints? You have zero clue as to what is happening behind the scenes, but like I said, I guess sitting on your ass and doing nothing but complaining is easier. Were trying our best and you sitting there chatting shit is exactly what these hackers want to see. Last I checked this isnt your post idiot, get the hell off the forums before I do it myself. You're still here? What happened? Ah thats right, you need a kick out the door. Later!
  6. Nope. We will not guarantee unbans for the people that have spent money, as we did send out a warning previously in which most decided to not follow. The cause for this rollback is because of the people we ended up banning for throwing money around like its candy, so unfortunately they will not be rewarded.
  7. I believe times wont be effected since they are completely different tables in the database. Could be wrong though so @Fusah or @ikiled can confirm.
  8. You're a freaking dense retard. There were more then a handful of idiots that took all that hacked cash and hacked warpoints and either went ape shit transferring it to their gang funds or spent it. I banned people that have spent over 1 BILLION of hacked cash. I have infinite money and even I cant fucking do that in a day or two. I saw people buying 100's of jets, 100's of HEMMITS, buying gang sheds on all three servers, transferring money to gang funds, doing 100 mil bets in side chat, buying out everything. There has been BILLIONS of dollars transferred throughout the server, 1,000's of RPG's, suppressors, and weapons purchased with the warpoints, and over all its been a free for all wasteland. If some members of the community used their fucking brain for once then we wouldnt have to resort to a rollback, and would just adjust their money/warpoints accordingly. So yes, we ARE blaming members of the community for the rollback that we intend on doing. Our devs are working hard on the anti cheat system to make sure it doesnt happen again, so maybe if you were patient instead of sitting on your ass complaining and doing nothing you will see we are trying our best.
  9. Relax boys were working on all the issues such as the money and all the other shit going on. There’s a reason we haven’t touched some people’s cash. Don’t think we’re not doing anything, everything will be back to normal soon! :) 

    1. Skys


      im chilling like a cucumber 

  10. Ask @Viper and @Xeltini they are pros!
  11. Excuse me buddy these posts get no likes, so kindly rope Plus let’s be honest nobody looks at it until a post like this is made
  12. This months twitter giveaway is a ghosthawk! Requirements to enter are in the post below. Good luck! https://twitter.com/olympusserver/status/1120768098120929280?s=21
  13. Imagine hacking on arma in 2019 omegalul

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. thor
    3. Page


      im sorry ill stop now

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I cannot express the amount of satisfaction I get everytime I blowup an arma 3 life server.

  14. Ryan


    The fact that you think that is the reason why he keeps going lmao. He realistically has zero control, and does no damage besides waste time considering everything he does always gets fixed. But y’all can keep stroking his ego more if you want
  15. L m a o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. destruct


      The fuck you laughing about GUY

    3. Ryan


      I’m laughing at how much of a SHITTER you are my dude @destruct

    4. destruct


      I see how it be

  16. The man the myth the legend 

    Happy Birthday qt :wub:


    1. Xeltini


      This video still brings tears to my eyes

    2. Viper


      When the apd was good. o7

    3. DeadPool


      wait wheres the civ council one?

      17 minutes ago, Viper said:

      When the apd was good. o7

      big facts

  17. You already know the training grind been hard even before this
  18. Censorship! I’m coming after your family for this one! :angry:

  19. @Xeltini @Viper Looks like we got an undercard match @Proud Will be the ring girl
  20. Man wants this smoke, bring it bitch!! I’ll have you know club Metro has been suiting me well!
  21. o7 Buddy, you were the first person to bring the boys out of our shitter scat status. Ill miss you man good luck in the future
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