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Status Replies posted by Ryan

  1. Because the news has been disbanded, I've decided to take matters into my own hands. The news schedule will be coming out soon. PM if interested in joining. 

  2. if anyone wants to fight for Prime Rib in gang wars, feel free to message either me or @Jordan540

  3. when ur mad that we downvote u so u start hitting us off

  4. Am I the only one that would like to see the Altis News come back? I would be a fine reporter 

  5. @Fr0sty the nibba who titaned every single ghost hawk after trident

    Happy Bday B

  6. :FeelsBad: Not my paintbrush :(


  7. Do you know when there will be custom, gang tags added to the server?

  8. Copying and pasting my last post about this. I've already gotten way more than expected and I'm so grateful to everyone. I did testing today and it may be potentially multiple components so I'm playing it safe. 

    So, like, this goes beyond my character. But..desperate times. My PC broke and recovery + having a daughter got a man broke af. If anyone feels like helping me come back so I can keep banning too much, I'll love you forever. Or just roast me for asking for shit. Whichever works. 


  9. Copying and pasting my last post about this. I've already gotten way more than expected and I'm so grateful to everyone. I did testing today and it may be potentially multiple components so I'm playing it safe. 

    So, like, this goes beyond my character. But..desperate times. My PC broke and recovery + having a daughter got a man broke af. If anyone feels like helping me come back so I can keep banning too much, I'll love you forever. Or just roast me for asking for shit. Whichever works. 


  10. RIP Walgreens streams. I have been fired lmfao. Don’t worry boys I got plans for something better. 

  11. You know, maybe if some of you POs played on OUR APD and not on new servers trying to get a high rank, then you wouldn't be POs.......

  12. You know, maybe if some of you POs played on OUR APD and not on new servers trying to get a high rank, then you wouldn't be POs.......

  13. Tell me why I was actually about to do a game giveaway like I said I was and then I look on the forums to see the 2 jews @Proud and @Savage do one first... feels bad 

  14. @DashTonic another thing. I think you have a problem. If you ever need help, I can help. By providing my PayPal :wub:

  15. Preview of EatMeth #0 Tage


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