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Everything posted by xDRO

  1. I like your style
  2. The topic at hand is not about whether or not the destruction of the shed was justifiable but rather what can be done to make the fight even so this doesn't happen again in the future.
  3. We're talkin about APD/Civ things here, ill contact you if Vigis come up...
  4. It was a joke lol
  5. Did you just quote rules to me? 3.Rule quoting while on duty as a cop or off duty may be met with disciplinary actions. If a situation arises where you feel that you were wronged, you may try informing the person in a constructive manner. If a report is submitted, it will be evaluated on a case by case basis.
  6. Should've followed our demands and put your hands up, not to mention your guys were still coming in code 3. You were holstered, got engaged, then took your gun off your back and ran towards the shed. Your just salty someone came up with a way to stop your bs raid. #Dumbass
  7. I understand APD is "allowed" to camp. That doesnt change the fact that its unfair
  8. So yesterday our gang shed was going to be raided by SrAPD and the only way that we could think of to prevent this from happening was to blow it up along with the cops.( @Edge was pretty upset about this) This resulted in @Toasty getting banned. I understand this may not be a fair way to defend it but as it stands now there is literally no way to defend it. The only way to defend the shed from it being raided currently is to fight an endless wave of APD for 45 mins straight. That is not possible when they can endlessly respawn and come back without wave rule. I feel this is extremely one sided in favor of the APD especially when SrAPD is literally allowed to camp in a bush and wait to catch one of us to raid. Can we find a way to make things even for both factions during this process? Maybe add wave rule? or make it to where SrAPD can't camp? (I understand if someone is hiding in there for cover or APD driving by and seeing someone but straight up camping is BS) @Dante @ThatNerdyGuy
  9. YO IVE BEEN FRAMED @Pinkstreak

    1. Pinkstreak


      Im sorry!! Forgive me, im still getting back into the swing of things!! <3

    2. xDRO


      All good, thx for clearing it up


  10. Damn, did SrAPD really make an entire gang quit?

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      We aren’t all quiting a few are a lot are just joining different gangs but dash is dead 

    2. -dante-


      APD wins again 

    3. xDRO


      thats hilarious

  11. xDRO


  12. Why does it take 212379182745619 years to unlock a vehicle now?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Xeltini


      If only @codeYeTi was here to fix it

    3. codeYeTi


      There was a change to vehicle creation moving it server-side. So it now works the same as when you buy a vehicle. @Xeltini.

    4. Pinkstreak


      If you open your keychain after you pull your car, close it, and you can instantly unlock :) works for now :)


  13. who has two thumbs and is smashley simpson rn?


  14. 4 v 4 turned into 4 v 14 hella quick........dat cop stack doe

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jester
    3. drama


      Damn dro you gonna let him expose you like that?

    4. xDRO


      Jokes on you kid. I'm terrible at this game, everyone knows that.

      Also, SDAR is not my gun lmao


  15. @Dante bruh..... have you heard this?


  16. trying out for this band tomorrow ...wish me luck


    1. DABESTeva


      gl dro ez ez you got it homie

    2. xDRO
  17. I was sacrificed within the first 1hr of my time on Olympus by Tree haha...Honestly the reason i joined BW was to get revenge
  18. New vocalist goes hard af


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. -dante-


      He parted ways in like June. Signs of the swarm vocalist is with Lorna now 

      Signs of the swarm vocalist is nasty tho 

    3. xDRO


      Didnt know that....sick

    4. Orgondo


      They were dope at Warped.


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