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Everything posted by TheRandomOne

  1. Guess what's coming back:


    More info coming shortly guys :D

  2. I'll build an actual play list when I get home but as for some real hip hop artists: Token - Doozy: https://youtu.be/4UwH97qI0aM Rafael Casal - Fuego:https://youtu.be/Gly7DAL1FdU Brother Ali - Uncle Sam Goddamn: https://youtu.be/OO18F4aKGzQ Tech N9ne - He's a mental Giant: https://youtu.be/GupJwtLRp8Y This is just to get started of course, but better than that drake/desiigner garbage
  3. Good thing you don't have to worry about that.
  4. If we're in the business of calling people retarded, yes a Vermin is larger than 9 millimeter, you still have a better vest that protects against it. Plus he still not wrong in the fact that you don't need to mag dump to kill someone, if it takes you 15 rounds to kill one person pretty sure that makes you retarded. And if you're saying that the problem with the cops is their no new life rule then I default back to the fact that I guess you clearly need to learn tactics and situational awareness because you shouldn't be sitting in the same spot the entire time. You kill you move you kill you move honestly this is not difficult. If you lack situational awareness then no matter what buffs or debuffs any side gets you're still going to be bad.
  5. I forgot how sAPD is on 100% of the time. I agree with airman though, if you're worried about a deputy and a vermin, you gotta fix how you play dude. When I saw that vermins were given to deputies I thought "huh,nifty". Vermins are even less effective at range than stings. Any deputy who uses a vermin is now easier to kill at range. If you have problems shooting at a distance, then that's your problem not the servers.
  6. Accomplishes very little except for neutralizing the point and advantage of a ghosthawk. and nowhere does it say it can't go down to 7.62,just that it's a little more difficult.
  7. @Jesse correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not completely impervious to small arms, just more resistant. Also, if you just get tapped out of a 50 cal, you're situational awareness is no the strongest. Here's some tips for fighting ghosthawks if you don't want to buy a titan: gunners are still vunerable. Orcas can beat them on altitude.
  8. Hey @G.O.A.T., all APD officers can get ghosthawks now? Damn I missed that update, thanks for that! On the other hand, every civilian has access to ifrits and 50 cal offroads. Also: PO7,sting,vermin (which civs have access to as well),mx < 7.62 rifles. If you think those weapons are so OP, use them instead of an MK. P.s. the ghosthawk buff is for small Arms fire, aka titans will fuck it's day up. Just ask @Solomon. The real problem seems to be that you have to play more tactically/different then you normally do. The mag dumping might get slightly more difficult if you don't play smart.
  9. And civs have better armor, better guns, better vehicles Edit: Generally better tactics,too.
  10. Wow really it's almost like there should be some balance in a game. P.s. I can do this all day, it's a pretty slow day at work.
  11. You mean to tell me that an SMG designed for close range combat has a faster rate of fire than a marksman rifle? Riveting stuff. This might mean you have to change tactics?!?! The horror!
  12. You have access to a better vest than them and a higher caliber weapon. Apparently the only thing to fear is your inability to aim.
  13. Why not? Are you really worried about the 10% increase in rate of fire?
  14. "Light speed" aka only 10 percent faster. If you're afraid of losing a fight to someone with a vermin when you have 7.62, CSAT clothes aren't gunna help you.
  15. I'm really sad this is considered good hip hop. I was hoping to get some new music.
  16. The only part of Illinois that really matters is Chicago. Just sayin.
  17. Browsing the forums after the update like:


    1. Tman15tmb


      Maybe sense people can't appreciate the fact that we DIDN'T entirely get rid of CSAT clothing we should just remove them all together from any future plans. This is what happens when you have an ungrateful community that is used to getting what they want. It's like buying a toy for your child everytime you go to the store and then that one time you decide not to buy them the toy then they start crying because they didn't get their way. That is how I'm seeing it right now. Correct me if I'm wrong.

    2. TheRandomOne


      Stop Tman......I can only give so many likes

    3. DeadPool
  18. First things first, I didn't put anything in this update. I don't design skins or do map design nor do I code anything. I'm not staff. If you want to discuss things with some of those people you can hop in the TS channel and discuss things with them. If you want to post useless threads on the forum however, don't be surprised if you're not taken seriously.
  19. Can they remove bitching? Or is that just hardcoded in?
  20. There's a tea party and I wasn't invited?!? Rude.
  21. Ya know, I think I'd be more comfortable not knowing that answer.
  22. So how much did Air Responder cost you @Danger because I've seen you fly :Kappa:.


    P.s. congrats buddy

    1. Dangus


      Haha lol. Let's remember though. He would've paid for S&R. Once he can fly like a medic, he's good. 


      Congratz danger. 

    2. Danger


      Had to cancel the Disney trip....thats how much

    3. Dangus


      That's rough. Ask tom Brady for his. He's already gone 4 times.

  23. @Grandma Gary you left me no choice


    1. Dangus


      This is memalicious.

  24. Did someone say something about a superb owl?
  25. I mean you'd totally never count them to see how many are on. And of course there's 0 ways to do that now. Nope. Absolutely no way. Wait you need to know who is a cop when they text you....have you tried looking at who is texting you?
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