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APD Officer
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Everything posted by kev

  1. catch me tanking at the next fed, I’ve adapted to the shaky screen from the stupid tear gas the corporals throw
  2. @DeadPool 

    happy birthday and now we full-time arma :D 

    1. DeadPool


      On the job market sooooo

  3. Time to start fucking using meth
  4. hop off my trials
  5. Selling an e-book:

    Top ten ways to counter Trident at ANY Fed/BW

    Diving into this book will reveal the hidden Blackfish counter and MORE!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Savage


      Or you ask me cause I was in all 3 and ik all ur little strats

    3. Hoonter


      2 hours ago, Mako said:

      I'm legitimately sure 95% of the APD is illiterate, passing around the literature you describe wouldn't increase the APD win-rate. Very unfortunate.

       not even sure if they speak english cause it seems like nobody ever listens

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Tree is about to release camping windmills with rpg’s in hardcover

  6. exactly why I sell most of this stuff because we have used it and want the money now. When we get that offroad rpg or zafir tho that’ll be fun 7
  7. we use the money in funds to compensate members for loadouts, titans, ifrits etc highest offer on huron is 30mil
  8. start bidding or pm me an offer
  9. been slapping bws recently so im selling 1x armed huron 2x armed prowler 1x armed qilin a couple hunters and striders if you really want them we can arrange that 2x 7.62 supressors bid, message or add me on steam with offers and if you are looking for something else you can place an order in steam: steamcommunity.com/id/kastrooo
  10. I have everything just PM me what you need with an offer and I only accept cash so no trades or striders we will negotiate from there
  11. yeah, its geared towards gang life join a gang or create one under gang recruitments! you will have a better time trust me.
  12. thats a kav rebel garage
  13. If your at warzone or federal events medic rarely show up. Ontop of that the cops will spam cop and medic channel telling medics to fuck off and they have to listen because otherwise they will get demoted. The only way to get a medic to rev you after this is if a gang member takes them hostage or brings an epi and then that person is now risking their loadout also.
  14. You don’t seem to realize. Everytime you lethal someone, for the most part, they lose 150k-300k+ in a loadout and instead of you even losing something when you die all that happens is you lose a mag. Tell me how you are bitching about getting PAID to kill people. You know what a civ gets from killing a cop? A bounty that I must either PAY off or PAY when sent to jail. If you are having an issue with the dreadful orca insurance and oh no 100k? loadout every other day you get robbed then the problem is you.
  15. msg me what you need
  16. hit me up when im in TS
  17. so you are meant to leave a truck there and let it despawn? what if someone rolls up and steals it? vigi abuse?
  18. Is taking an enemy gang member from the cops then unrestraining them to shoot them fail RP? If all cops are killed around an enemy gang member/civ and you take him and unrestrain him can you then taze him and vigi him? Can you vigi someone and rob their truck or is it still considered robbing the player?
  19. If you pop someones house window and yell in game "im fucking jumping through this window" then jump through is it considered exploiting?
  20. kev

    WTB Ghosthawk

    we lead that shit and I was the one who raffled it off with siri
  21. kev

    WTB Ghosthawk

    Yeah, we definitely ran that BW considering it was your first and no higherups were there, you didn’t “give” us one lmao
  22. kev

    WTB DMS Scope

    Shit goes for 7.5mil + but someones been duping them I believe because I don’t find anyone willing to pay this much recently, they hit me with the “i just bought one for 2 mil”. Either someone is duping them or nobody has money because there are much less blackwaters being done successfully besides from Tree and Trident IMO and we haven’t gotten much.
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