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Panda :)

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Everything posted by Panda :)

  1. Aren’t you the guy that scams people?
  2. Yeah like I don’t blame them but they’re the reason I’m leaving!!!!!!
  3. No one told me how to work the menu I couldn’t cheat :(






  4. Rat
  5. My penis is bigger than yours my is 1,000 up and down HA. <3
  6. Resident homosexual and channel lurker. 07 buddy
  7. I’m glad that everyone here acts like they are 10 years old smileyface 

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      but thats how old you actually are


    2. JuanDeaged


      are you new to olympus or something because this has been a fact since the beginning of time

    3. Skys
  9. 07 papito
  10. yoo hawk check the message I sent you

  11. State lost noooooooooooooooooooo

  12. Won’t change the fact that you blow
  13. You that’s what this handbook up date is saying. A few updates ago we made it to if the AA was hacked it was just like the bomb was planted and you were expected to stay on until the fed was cleared, but now it’s back to normal.
  14. It was because you cannot log off to avoid a federal event. Fom what I am a gathering by what you are saying that if during yours and goats reign if a fed started I could just log for what ever reason?
  15. What you mean? The way it was being abused people were doing feds late at night when there was the minimum cops and to keep them from logging they would constantly hack the aa since there is no cool down on it they could do it over and over and at the time when the aa was hacked it was considered active fed and you aren’t allowed to log during a active fed so they could keep the cops on long as they want.
  16. And I’ll tell you all about it

  17. lol I’ll give it a month before you are screaming the n word and telling people you will kill them irl again.
  18. I understand it was a “joke” but you said you only said it to people you know which what ever fair enough. What about when you went to the asylum gang wars stream with at least 100 people and was flaunting ddos threats everywhere.
  19. He spitting facts and you have no good counter argument to it because you know it’s true is why you won’t say anything else change my mind.
  20. Yeah just “memeing” were you “memeing” when you were throwing around ddos threats during the Asylum gang wars stream when you were threatening to ddos a ton of people including me?
  21. Yeah guys it’s a huge difference in threatening to do a federal crime rather than doing it!1!1!1!1!!!! are you reading what you are typing? And I’m pretty sure ddos threats is still punishable by law.
  22. Imagine making a post telling people that something is going to happen if it is able to be done. Don’t make a post telling people it is going to be done and a little later find out it’s not possible ik you say if it’s able but you and me both know people will get their hopes up.
  23. Panda :)

    o7 Gamers

    https://gyazo.com/f8e7c670b21711f9143961f31f99ec47 A salute from victor 07 brother.
  24.  Bouta be on a 12 hour drive so if you have any good movies that are on Netflix hit me up top 3 favorite genres are horror comedy and action.

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