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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. hope u have good ideas and not like the other dogshit civ reps out there.. like we need alpha men who will fight for a cause and not become a victim when staffs laugh at ur ideas.
  3. monkaS
  4. i blowtorch my dick for a living. can confirm burning alive is better.
  5. zubr not rook.
  6. mike myers in kavala.
  7. monkaS i make all my shit in paint.. and i make pretty VOLUPTUOUS memes
  8. new meth lab location fucking sucks. change it back pls. @Peter Long

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skys


      I like the new personally 

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You mean ghost hotel?

    4. silton


      I want my home back :(@Mako stop changing what isn't broken :( 


  9. changelog 03/11/2018 - APD new equipment added into the game.
  10. @Unjo dont get scammed again
  11. na @Peter Long is a victim.
  12. @Peter Long now that Jesse fucked off can we get Cokeyeti to come back?
  13. talks shit on others yet streams Destin...
  14. o7 to the realest OG who snorted coke on stream, you know who u are :Kappa:

  15. @Hadi Mokdad from all your pics i see you are doing well being an arms dealer for ISIS.
  16. with all due respect to the devs but at this rate i dont see HQ takeovers gonna be implemented till next year.. ETA on removing quilins???????? (and implement this months donation reward)
  17. if i delete these 2 files will it fuck up my games?
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