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Everything posted by N7Zero

  1. hope u have good ideas and not like the other dogshit civ reps out there.. like we need alpha men who will fight for a cause and not become a victim when staffs laugh at ur ideas.
  2. i blowtorch my dick for a living. can confirm burning alive is better.
  3. monkaS i make all my shit in paint.. and i make pretty VOLUPTUOUS memes
  4. new meth lab location fucking sucks. change it back pls. @Peter Long

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skys


      I like the new personally 

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      You mean ghost hotel?

    4. silton


      I want my home back :(@Mako stop changing what isn't broken :( 


  5. changelog 03/11/2018 - APD new equipment added into the game.
  6. @Unjo dont get scammed again
  7. @Peter Long now that Jesse fucked off can we get Cokeyeti to come back?
  8. o7 to the realest OG who snorted coke on stream, you know who u are :Kappa:

  9. @Hadi Mokdad from all your pics i see you are doing well being an arms dealer for ISIS.
  10. with all due respect to the devs but at this rate i dont see HQ takeovers gonna be implemented till next year.. ETA on removing quilins???????? (and implement this months donation reward)
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