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Everything posted by Unjo

  2. 5 mil for both
  3. Scum is fun if you have a few buds who enjoy dicking around
  4. What about if they raid @DashToxic and all he has is explosives to defend himself
  5. So are property now being treated like gang members in cuffs when probable cause is given?
  6. Unjo

    [WTB] 5.56 Sup

    Theres no legit way to obtain one sorry
  7. When you get killed at wz 1 too many times
  8. Is it possible for Olympus to have its own anti cheat, even if we lose a few new joins a day surely its worth it at this point

  9. Finessed
  10. This is one of those good posts
  11. @TheCmdrRex Is it too late?
  12. Insert other media
  13. People want RP but then its a light rp server when its in their favour.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      You cant fail RP if you never RP

      Image result for smart black guy meme generator

    3. monster


      5 minutes ago, communistjosh said:

      You cant fail RP if your always banned for failrp

      Image result for smart black guy meme generator

      fixed :)

    4. PoptartRex


      Traps and gentlemen, I present to you, the #1 dilemma of Olympus.

  14. Howdy partner, I have a warrant out for your MX, time to get robbed!

  15. Art of the deal
  16. Unjo

    Do Not

    Apd wins again If you are quoting the rules word by word its blatantly going to raise red flags.
  17. Sold
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