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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Been killed twice for no reason when logging in, both times not even recording because nvidia is worse than Asylum  

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    2. DeadPool


      Are you getting spawned on spawn island? 

      Also if shadow play isn’t working uninstall it then reinstall. That’s what I do and it works just fine.

    3. Unjo


      Yeah spawn island

    4. DeadPool


      Respawn once spawned in a city soft log then come back if your in a city then hard log and come back. If you spawn on spawn island then redo the steps above. I had he some problem a few months back. If you die in a weird way then alt f4 is he death screen this happens.

  2. Showed me how to tac respawn with a truck
  3. Just for server 1
  4. @VENOM-A3 Spamming will only make it longer

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  5. Unjo

    WTB Hunter

    2 mil
  6. Well, a gtx graphics card surely should have metal in it, correct? Thats magnetic? Just get a magnet and slide it all over your pc, that gtx should come flying out
  7. Idk if you of you people are rich,


    But i think bigmantyrone might have something to say about the vigi crisis

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    1. DeadPool


      He looks familiar @G.O.A.T.


    2. Unjo


      Where are you meant to buy from?

  8. Good meme
  9. Yeah at school sorry, got exam today as well so wont be on for about 6 hours.
  10. 3 mil for bundle
  11. 2 mil for suppressor Cooked
  12. When you disagree with @Silentbird66 ideas so he just goes and downvotes all your posts so you lose your internet points. 

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    2. Unjo


      Aircraft carrier does nothing because it is a PROP.

      It literally takes all of 10 seconds to send a message to apd and wait 5 seconds. 

    3. Silentbird66
    4. Lotus
  13. Cant get vigied if you dont break the law :Kappa:

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    2. Fedot


      I get vigi'd when im innocent just for being fedot.... 

    3. LongInactiveAccount


        On 1/17/2018 at 1:14 AM, Fedot said:

      I get vigi'd when im innocent just for being fedot.... 


      I don’t see a issue here

    4. Fedot


      When Unjo's AIM is bad


  14. 1.5
  15. Rpg 2 mil rocket 400k
  16. @Mclovins
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