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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Good dealer
  2. 4 mil deal, what server
  3. Bundle deal on mk 1 suppressor and 1 lt uniform?
  4. How did you get 1 cmr with 39 mags
  5. How much for lt uniforms
  6. Btw using a type 115 with 50 cal ammo does give you a taser 50 cal

    1. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      Why would you tell, delete this 

    2. KrispyK


      D E L E T E TH I S

    3. Caleb Snackbar
  7. A po with 80 hours will be much more eager to raid a house with little to no probabe cause than a corp with 400+ hours. Rest in peace the kavala square houses.
  8. Corps will be searching houses you watch

    1. ikiled
    2. -dante-
    3. Airborne


      deadpool would die before that happens

  9. Taking bets, got 2:1 odds it wont last 2 weeks

  10. Yeah, fat rip
  11. Got told nothing would happen
  12. Why did Most apd arrests get reset

    1. BENJI


      Your guess is as good as mine :(

    2. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      im fine with it :)


    3. Kurt


      The old stat we tracked included vigilante arrests. We started tracking APD exclusive arrests as of recent.

  13. Anyone want to play dark souls 3

  14. Unjo

    [WTB] Explosives

    Wholesale price
  15. Unjo

    [WTB] Explosives

    Thats like 3:30 AM for me, another time mabye?
  16. Unjo

    [WTB] Explosives

    Fair, Ill take 10
  17. Unjo

    [WTB] Explosives

    How much you looking for
  18. Titan rockets, trip wires, mines, sui vests, if it go booms ill probably buy it from you, PM me
  19. Saw a man banned yesterday for "exsploiting"
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