So, i've now been playing Olympus since 2016 November. In the 3 years that I have been here I have broken many rules, earnt 100's of millions of dollars, and also lost them. I have met many brilliant people and more rats than I could count. I started off on the server camping old neo drug dealer with a trusty rahim and soft logging when cops came through to make money. I first became a cop on 28/02/2017 if I remember correctly. In my time of the APD I passed a corporal test and got it ripped in a week when MC did a MC player report. Went a while of just grinding cop for money (Still easy money to this day lol) and just hoarding all of my money. Eventually joined DB and started to play more civ and helped run the server as DB obviously runs the server. Became one of the first civ council nerds with a time in grade of 300+ when I got permed and I do have to say, with going to many staff meetings, some staff truly are retarded, but some are absolutely awesome. In the end I got caught selling money by staff when tree rats like they always do.
Dated around March 2017
Some toxic stuff:
APD make way too much money
99% of support apes are cops that want promos and are clueless to anything non cop related
So anyway some honorable mentions:
@Kedar Faggot, perm po retard, I'll miss when I was breaking rules and you were too scared too.
@Mr Majestic Keep running DB just fine and gl with civ council
@CorNfLower The boy, gl with whatever your up to
@Ravin :) You probably won't be able to see this, but you're a lol
@ChrisGG Dont know how you got Admin when you exploited and Ryan said it was exploiting lol "HuSh HuSh My AsS"
@Borax Hope you clean water soon bud
@N7Zero Ram more tree hawks please
@Winters Was fun driving around Altis together and roleplaying with tards
@SAPD Give Kedar a corp test so he can fail it again and get memed more please
Ill be on forums and will probably put in a few ban appeals in the upcoming months but obviously not going to be in game
Hope you guys enjoy this, it's pretty shitty edited because I can't be bothered putting my time in it when I can be playing tarkov, some videos are muted because an anonymous cop paid me off with tarkov roubles