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Everything posted by Mighty

  1. Been up since 0800 yesterday and don't get off work till 06:30 today. I'm struggling.

  2. I wan't the oil rig to come back
  3. This doesn't show you weight but might be useful (I don't know when these were last updated but should be roughly the same): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yxWWwxCFx9uZ390zpLzNEWoWoL3REvbH1TcdEwBJgeM/edit#gid=0
  4. Boys can't make up my mind. Macbook pro yay or nay? Already have all apple ecosystem but windows has always been at heart.

  5. At least cap that shit to 1 or 2m
  6. Just wondering. When someone buys one of these items does it show up on the monthly donation goal?
  7. Wasn’t showing up for some reason, but i see it now thanks
  8. Could we submit our own design if a designer approves it?
  9. How do i get to the store page without clicking on the link in this thread?
  10. Ryan about to be rich af
  11. Sho about to make 4 alt gangs and buy up all the slots before anyone wakes up and even reads the post. 200IQ
  12. Do we get all icons and a custom icon or just the custom icon? I bet the designer will prob talk in ts
  13. Yea i misread that too and was wondering why in the world they would let each gang have 5 different skins. It would defeat the purpose
  14. Need more lines of text to make change log look good JK. Good update prob just something overlooked
  15. And i thought i was actually gonna get to go to bed as soon as i get off work
  16. Yeet this kid @Rexo
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