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Heinz Gormittz

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Everything posted by Heinz Gormittz

  1. My internet sucks ASS tonight! bear with me as I try to stay in the server and hand out weapons


    1. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      damn is my truck still there? did the server reset?

    2. Heinz Gormittz
  2. *****REMINDER****** 

    Kavala Revolution is set to begin tomorrow around 1600 CST. Free guns and ammo and explosives will be handed out. We will need as many volunteers as possible.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bow


      3 hours ago, Unjo said:

      Should use a blackfish to drop 32 rook bangers on hq

      I would totally have done this before they messed with the blackfishes flying controls and made it so you can't just hover easily.

    3. Africa


      Db got the qulins prowlers and 50 cals ready to shoot hq sir give us the call

    4. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      I am going to need DB to give me an escort to rebel to pick up the gear tomorrow. Ill be on an hour before it starts.

  3. Hello all interested clients and potential investors, ( @Bow @ScreaM ) I have over the past few months been getting numerous people asking me if they can invest in cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin via my brokerage service. I have even gotten a few people in real life talking to me about them and what my thoughts are on them. Allow me to clarify: Heinz's Securities & Equities DOES have an option to invest in these currencies; even though it is extremely limited. By this I mean I have an ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) that copies bitcoins exactly. In other words it is much like a stock, and it mirrors the value of bitcoins. The ticker for this is GBTC. Check it out on yahoo here: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/gbtc?ltr=1 This is not a futures, or a forex product- it behaves EXACTLY like a stock does. I unfortunately have no other way for people to trade cryptocurrencies. For some reason this is a very limited section of the orthodox markets that we all know. Remember, it is possible to short sell just about anything on the market- which means you can take bets on something going down if you so wish.
      • 2
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      • Kreygasm
  4. I doubt many will see this in time but I am postponing today's revolution to next Sunday. I JUST finished installing new hardware and I want to cleanup/test/play around with it before doing something as serious as fighting the APD. 

  5. I cannot seem to reply to anything in my thread "2nd Kavala Revolution in the Event Suggestion category. Anyone know why this is? am I just not seeing a reply button?

    1. DeadPool


      @Bow I think he did something since he was the last staff to post in the thread

    2. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Ya I am logged in. Its odd.

    3. sleazy turd racoon
  6. Thank you everyone who participated in the Kavala Revolution. I think I handed out well over 40 guns tonight. At our prime, we had about 27 people in the group and had the APD pinned in the base for almost TWO hours! By far this is the best one I've been in. Kudos to the APD for holding out so long. We were surprised you guys hadn't rage quit.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Guest


      I could have done better alone xD

    3. DashTonic


      @hadi mokdad we was talking about how you would of like you join in on it

    4. Guest


      @DashTonic Soon my brother, i will lead this crisis against all the infidel. Kavala will be cleansed once and for all . Have faith in the great allah

  7. kavala revolution begins in 40 minutes on server 1. Free guns and ammo to those who are broke bringing your own gear is appreciated to save it for those that cannot afford good gear.

    1. Apathy


      why didn't you do it on the weekend???


    2. Savage


      can I get everything?

  8. MASSIVE KAVALA REVOLUTION to take place tomorrow at 1400 to 1900 Central Standard Time. 10M in Weapons including AKMs, TRG21s, Suicide Vests, Satchel Charges, Mines, Grenades, .50 cals and hundreds of mags of ammo will be provided for FREE at my discretion.

    1. Mike Pence

      Mike Pence

      Why not on the weekend man

  9. Hey @Maddog next time you are on forums or in game message me about your investment. Its doing exceptionally well.

    1. -dante-


      he said just to give it to me. I swear

    2. J O E

      J O E

      Man has been AWOL since early 2017.

      I'll be sure to give it to him the next time I see him. All you gotta do is slide me the funds.

  10. I know its a long shot, but I need a 4 crater very close to Kav square on server 1. Revolutions and APD resistance fighting has been non existent over the past 2 months due to me saving up money for an ULTIMATE attack on Kavala. I will need storage extremely close by in order to arm and outfit all volunteers for the operation. In November, the sweet silence the APD has experienced shall be shattered.
  11. PLEASE give us IEDs so I can litter Kavala with bombs and kill those blue belly bastards
  12. @Jesse The Altis economy has ground to a halt because people cannot copy and paste texts I send them. They cannot invest because they cannot get to my forum page without typing the full link out :(

    1. Fedot




  13. I go to cement processor this morning, but there is no NPC there.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      From the changelog:

      New legal processing/trading/gathering locations -

      • Some processing locations now use different objects other than an AI man to process. So look where the marker is if you're having issues locating.
    3. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Well I thought of that while I was there. The mixer like machine there had no scroll wheel option on it. I will try again tomorrow morning and see if it has changed. If not, I will post again.


    4. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Well Jesse, are you me? no. We're all different!

  14. Two questions for the community:

    1. Can I delete topics that I have started?

    2. I heard some people talking about a leader board with the richest players/gangs. I knew we had one a while ago, but I thought it was deleted by the staff for some reason. Is there currently such a leader board? I cannot find it if there is.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Chicken, you know the answer to this one?


    3. Chickenlittle


      not sure i will look tho

    4. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Alright. Ill give it another look too


  15. Yes they did lol. But hey, I just pulled the .50 out. I can't control what the crazies do with it :/
  16. I have investing with your arma money down to a science. Just click on the link in my signature and watch the videos to get an idea of what I do. Also review the word documents included before investing to get an in depth idea of how it works.
  17. 1. APD (higher ranks) Ones I kill 2. APD (lower ranks) Ones I kill 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @FluffyTEDDY 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) If they're lower ranks, no one knows about them 5. vigillantes Like Ignis said- The ones I can get banned for vigi abuse. 6. TAXI drivers @Marty. Is there any other?
  18. Check the link out in my signature if you are actually interested in investing. I offer Forex, Stocks, and Futures with no limits. Options are unavailable due to the fact that they expire so much that I cannot make a system to keep up with them without spending hours a month updating my spreadsheets. @Sociopathic and @DashTonic and @Flume thank you for notifying me about this.
  19. Lottery Ticket drawings are Saturday. Speak with me on Server 1 if you want to buy tickets. Pot is currently at 142.5K, and tickets are 5K each.

  20. I apparently need 8 guys in the gang to buy a gang warehouse. Do I need to have 8 guys AFTER I buy? If they leave after I buy, will I lose the warehouse?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. -dante-


      As Muthinator stated, they are meant for GANGS. If every individual who made a 1 man gang could purchase a shed, they would run out way too quick and not serve their purpose. 

    3. Heinz Gormittz

      Heinz Gormittz

      Well I would have to ask this:

      How many single-man gangs are there with 20M to burn on a gangshed? lol. I think I might be the only person in this position.

      I'll probs have to do what Welch said- find a bunch of noobs who hate this server, have them join my gang, and wait for em' to quit playing. Thanks for the advice everyone.

    4. DashTonic


      Dam Heinz that market 

  21. If anyone actually wants to place a bet PM me on forums here and we can set up a place to meet.
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