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LULA 2022 - PT 13

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Everything posted by LULA 2022 - PT 13

  1. @monsterr  gz on Corporal.

    @ZeRo Welcome to the team

  2. Can we get S2 working on a script or something? S1 is full by 2 shut down 10 minutes ago.

    Why are we hitting max pop on weeknights but still keeping S2 closed outside some weird ass hours.

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      I guess having 140 people on one server at 2am on weekdays is good for them? I mean i get it makes the servers look full but like no one enjoys it besides the people who come to oly from like csgo or valorant lol.

    2. Theory



  3. RIP this man's dog



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @Millennium airsoft supressor is somewhat effective, unregistered NFA item, ATF go brrrr

    3. Millennium


      its airsoft..... Not an actual weapon. I could be wrong but how do those two correlate.

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      @MillenniumPer the National Firearms Act of 1934 suppressors are tightly regulated by the federal government. The agency that regulates the issuance of tax stamps and authorization for the ownership of suppressors is the ATF, who will go after you for any perceived infraction of federal gun laws, and at times they'll decide what violates the law without actually having a legal basis. You can buy a gun that's 100% legal today, then a week later an ATF bureaucrat will suddenly decide it's actually illegal and you're now a felon breaking federal gun laws.

      There's a meme that the ATF will raid your house and kill your dog. They're the agency behind the Waco siege, their methods are extremely heavy handed and the fiasco that was the operation at ruby ridge become deadly after the ATF killed the target's dogs. Since the airsoft supressor was attached to the gun and actually did some amount of suppressing the joke is that the ATF will arrest this guy and give him 10 years for making an unregistered NFA item, and kill his dog while doing it.

      The whole bump-stocks being made ex post facto illegal thing was the ATF's doing, now they're going after the manufacturers of 80% lower receivers despite their actions not being de facto illegal because they suddenly decided they're breaking the law.

  4. Thanks for the 15 gold bars lol.
  5. @map designer, if Olympus is "mecca for gamers" how come there's no mosque?

    Dogshit server.

  6. I used to prefer Pepsi in the US because American coke wasn't very sweet and fairly acidic , but here in Brazil Coke uses real cane sugar and Pepsi uses some lower quality sweetener. If I'm in the US it's pepsi over coke though, High Fructose Corn Syrup sucks ass.
  7. Used to, switched to a real PC in early 2020
  8. RTX 2080, I7 9700k, 16gb ram, 2tb HDD/no SSD. Due to screen tearing, the human eye not seeing past 60 fps and being cheap I have Vsync on. Game is set to the default values for "ultra" and I get 61 fps outside cities with mostly 40-50 in Kav, sometimes when speeding through a dense area or somewhere with a lot of placed objects *looks at Pyrgos* I get frame drops to 20-30.
  9. Gz to the new contribs

  10. That part's definitely true. I've been demoted twice and removed once. But all my "oopsies" as a Corporal have been received with a talking to vs concrete action. I'd rather we extend the courtesy and understanding we have for corps to our juniors rather than take them away though. The higher standard thing does hold true in certain aspects, mainly in us having to know a lot more rules than your average PO and having to interpret them semi-regularly, as a cpl I've had to deal with situations that dealt with Sr or server rules and unlike a PO my interpretation has weight behind it so I need to not be a tard and step in to comp if my subaltern fucks up badly enough, hence the leeway. There are definitely shitbag Corporals, and in some aspects I'm a shitbag myself. But despite some bloopers @Juanjakobe is overall a solid cop, if you think he's such a fuckup then let the man hang himself with the humongous rope he's just been given and go to IA instead of support next time he fucks up. This post isn't going to un-promote him and it just stirs the pot instead of helping, I certainly cleaned up my act in a lot of ways after I picked up Cpl and FTO.
  11. 300k take it or leave it.
  12. With the exception of duping reasons I can't see a good one for a cool down. If you're 1 mil in the hole and choose to cash out even more chips that's on you.
  13. Literally what any IRL casino has.
  14. Let me be the first to welcome @Caden and @Venomm to the FTO team. I know you boys will do just fine.

  15. The hellcat has no functioning lights and it's not even skinned correctly so we can't use it. 


    1. Civak


      all part of the plan

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      This is an issue that will be fixed in the next hotfix(presumably, not 100% certain). The skin issue had to do with S2 not having the update yet AFAIK.

    3. Julian


      It's all part of the plan to make the APD useless. :kappa:

  16. O7 @Cooper:P sorry it had to end like this.

  17. @Ryan add season pass and V-bucks to Olympus
  18. The HQs aren't really built for that RN, there would need to be a redesign of all the HQs to accommodate it, a redesign that will also make it harder to get your friends out when you get caught. If it's offsite you'll still need a way for APD to show up to defend. Honestly with BW type gear this would probably be a mandatory response event. I can't speak for all cops but I'd rather not have another mandatory event where either an HQ is taken out of play 20+ minutes or we have to go somewhere to fight guys with Mk200s using tier 2 vests and underpowered rifles for the most part. The only way I can see this working is if it's an APD initiated event with lethals for all, which is already the case for the APD escort.
  19. Good shit on the MS paint master's @Jiggga

  20. A discount mk200 that can't even pen a tempest engine or orca glass. Jr APD is not OP.
  21. APD is definitely buffed compared to other servers, but from what I've seen the buffs are at the SAPD level. Your average cop is pretty balanced when you consider how fast cops promote on other servers and how early they get stuff like lethals. If the APD had a promotion system closer to what you see on GTA, Anzus or Asylum I'd agree they're OP. But currently unless you have a Retired SAPD+ you sit at a gear disadvantage, the main things Corps have going for them is lethals. APD is OP, but mainly at the SAPD level.
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